Citation Rankings
Highly Cited Researchers

University B D T College of Engineering Highly Cited Researchers CitationNatural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Rankings 2025

Citation Rankings (Highly Cited Researchers) and the list of the most cited and influential researchers cover a wide range of scientific fields, spanning 197 main and sub-disciplines, as well as the Art and Humanities Citation Rankings and Social Sciences and Humanities Citation Rankings, offering a unique service. Additionally, the list without CERN, Statistical Data, etc., provided exclusively by “AD Scientific Index”, is part of our effort to balance the situation created by CERN and researchers with statistical data, who have an advantage over others, especially those in the social and humanities fields. There should be new regulations for multi-author and CERN papers. Citation lists also reveal many rule violations and unethical practices. See also for more specific citation analyses: Scientists Last 6 years Citation IndexUniversities Total Citations Rankings 2025 and Universities Last 6 Years Citations Rankings 2025

* Total Citation Counts Rankings
Ranking Based On Selection :1
Suresha Kumara
• Synthesis of Heterocyclic compounds for Medicinal chemistry • Retrosynthetic analysis and synthesis of the target compounds • Total synthesis of biologically active natural and unnatural products • Development of novel synthetic methodologies in organic synthesis • Organometallic Chemistry • Drug design and development • Supramolecular Chemistry • Plant extraction and phytochemistry • Single Crystal X-ray Crystallography • Docking Studies
Citation Metrics
Last 6 Years
Last 6 Years / Total
* Total Citation Counts Rankings
Ranking Based On Selection: 1
Suresha Kumara
Citation Metrics
Last 6 Years
Last 6 Years / Total
• Synthesis of Heterocyclic compounds for Medicinal chemistry • Retrosynthetic analysis and synthesis of the target compounds • Total synthesis of biologically active natural and unnatural products • Development of novel synthetic methodologies in organic synthesis • Organometallic Chemistry • Drug design and development • Supramolecular Chemistry • Plant extraction and phytochemistry • Single Crystal X-ray Crystallography • Docking Studies