Sekolah Tinggi Pertanian STIPER Kutai Timur Sangatta is a
prestigious private university
established in 2006 in Indonesia. It is represented
by 30 scientists in the AD Scientific Index. The
university’s scientists are particularly concentrated in
Agriculture & Forestry (21 scientists), Engineering & Technology (1 scientists), and Business & Management (1 scientists).
![Muli Edwin](
![Liris Lis Komara](
![La Sarido](
![Joko Suryanto](
![Dhani Aryanto](
![eny heriyati](
![Muhammad Hirwan Wahyudi](
![Joko Krisbiyantoro](
![İmam Suhadi](
![Amprin Stiper Kutim](
![Al Hibnu Abdillah](
![Zainuddin Saleh](
![Jerlita Kadang Allo](
![Titis Hutama Syah](
![Indah Novita Dewi](