Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora UFJF is a
prestigious public university
established in 1960 in Brazil. It is represented
by 387 scientists in the AD Scientific Index. The
university’s scientists are particularly concentrated in
Social Sciences and Humanities (102 scientists), Engineering & Technology (63 scientists), and Natural Sciences (53 scientists).
![Thiago Esterci Fernandes](https://cdn.adscientificindex.com/pictures/48/5468729.jpg)
![Moisés Luiz Lagares Jr](https://cdn.adscientificindex.com/pictures/cb/5308024.jpg)
![Rafael Bonioli Kneip](https://cdn.adscientificindex.com/pictures/09/5397029.jpg)
![Eduardo Santos De Oliveira Marques](https://cdn.adscientificindex.com/pictures/0e/5625818.jpg)