Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan STIKES Maharani Malang is a
prestigious private university
established in 2006 in Indonesia. It is represented
by 21 scientists in the AD Scientific Index. The
university’s scientists are particularly concentrated in
Medical and Health Sciences (15 scientists), Natural Sciences (1 scientists), and Engineering & Technology (0 scientists).
![Feriana Ira Handian](
![Rahmawati Maulidia](
![Wiwik Agustina](
![Lilla Maria](
![Agnis Kristiana](
![Tanti Budhi Hariyanti](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Diana Noor Fatmawati](
![Evi Dwi Prastiwi](
![Dian Samtyaningsih](
![Nining Loura Sari](
![Eka Supriyanti](
![Sismala Harningtyas](
![Kurnia Laksana](
![Kalsum Sulaiman](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)