Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan STIKES Mercubaktijaya Padang is a
prestigious private university
established in 2005 in Indonesia. It is represented
by 41 scientists in the AD Scientific Index. The
university’s scientists are particularly concentrated in
Medical and Health Sciences (37 scientists), Engineering & Technology (2 scientists), and Social Sciences (1 scientists).
![Rifka Putri Andayani](
![Vivi Syofia](
![Nova Fridalni](
![Velga Yazia](
![Defrima Oka Surya](
![Lola Despitasari](
![Ulfa Suryani](
![Lenni Sastra](
![Rini Rahmayanti](
![Dewi Susilawati](
![Rizka Ausrianti](
![Putri Nelly Syofiah](
![Zulham Efendi](
![Nilakesuma, Nur Fadjri](
![Mira Andika](
![Viki Yusri](
![Fitria Alisa](
![Dedi Adha](
![Yulia Arifin](
![Desi Wildayani](
![Fitri Wahyuni](
![Hidayatul Hasni](
![Yola Yolanda](