Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung is a
prestigious public university
established in 1946 in Indonesia. It is represented
by 181 scientists in the AD Scientific Index. The
university’s scientists are particularly concentrated in
Engineering & Technology (95 scientists), Architecture and Design (24 scientists), and Social Sciences and Humanities (14 scientists).
![Soni Darmawan](
![Gita Permata Liansari](
![Youllia Indrawaty Nurhasannah](
![Irma Amelia Dewi](
![Hendro Prassetiyo](
![Dani Rusirawan](
![Yusup Miftahuddin](
![Sugihhartati Dj Rachmawati](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Juarni Anita](
![Riny Yolandha Parapat](
![Lisa Kristiana](
![R Cahyadi Nugraha](
![Andry Masri](
![Lauditta Irianti](
![Dini Fauziah](
![Henri Kuncoro](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Imam Aschuri](
![Barkah Wahyu Widianto](
![Biro Sdm](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Byna Kameswara](
![Gusti Ayu Jessy Kartini](
![Wahyu Buana Putra](
![Diash Firdaus](