Ivan Ziaziun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the NAES is a prestigious institution university established in 1999 in Ukraine. It is represented by 1 scientists in the AD Scientific Index. The university’s scientists are particularly concentrated in Engineering & Technology (0 scientists), Medical and Health Sciences (0 scientists), and Natural Sciences (0 scientists).

* Total H Index Rankings
Ranking Based On Selection: 1
Nadiia Postryhach  Nadiia Postrygach  Надія Постригач  Надежда Постригач
methodology of comparative pedagogics
teacher education developments in Greece
Italy and Spain
H-Index Metrics
Last 6 Years
Last 6 Years / Total
* Total H Index Rankings
Ranking Based On Selection: 1
methodology of comparative pedagogics
teacher education developments in Greece
Italy and Spain
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