Universitas Islam Negeri UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta is a
prestigious public university
established in 2004 in Indonesia. It is represented
by 51 scientists in the AD Scientific Index. The
university’s scientists are particularly concentrated in
Social Sciences and Humanities (43 scientists), Art & Humanities (15 scientists), and History, Philosophy, Theology (14 scientists).
![Khamim Zarkasih Putro](https://cdn.adscientificindex.com/pictures/9d/331714.jpg)
![R Rachmy Diana](https://cdn.adscientificindex.com/pictures/2d/399888.jpg)
![Miftahun Ni mah Suseno](https://cdn.adscientificindex.com/pictures/6a/403143.jpg)
![Sekar Ayu Aryani](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)