Total 2,509,841 scientists, country 221, and institutions 24,493 are evaluated in the Productivity Rankings, an exclusive service provided by AD Scientific Index. This ranking measures and highlights the scientific productivity of researchers based on the i10 index (number of publications with at least 10 citations). This system identifies highly productive scientists across disciplines, institutions, and regions, contributing to the development of evidence-based academic policies and effective incentive mechanisms. The rankings include global, regional, and institutional analyses, along with specialized rankings such as Scientists' Last 6 Years' i10 Index and Universities' i10 Index Rankings 2025. With Premium Membership, you can:
- Gain full access to detailed comparisons and advanced analytics,
- Objectively evaluate your academic productivity,
- Make strategic, data-driven decisions to enhance performance.

360° Institutional Performance & Benchmarking Click Here for Live Demo
Through advanced, institution-specific analytics and benchmarking, gain data-driven strategic insights into your academic performance, global standing, and competitive strengths. Compare your institution with 20 similarly ranked institutions at city, country, regional, and global levels, as well as with those in similar standings across 13 subjects, to uncover your institution’s strengths. More Info

360° Institutional Performance & Benchmarking Click Here for Live Demo
Through advanced, institution-specific analytics and benchmarking, gain data-driven strategic insights into your academic performance, global standing, and competitive strengths. Compare your institution with 20 similarly ranked institutions at city, country, regional, and global levels, as well as with those in similar standings across 13 subjects, to uncover your institution’s strengths. More Info