Vasyl Tomash|Василь Томаш, V.V. Tomash, Vasylv V. Tomash, VV Tomash Academic Profile: Rankings


In Ukraine


In Europe


In World

 Citation Index
 i-10 Index
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i-10 Index
i-10 Index
i-10 Index
i-10 Index
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i-10 Index
i-10 Index
i-10 Index
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Education *

In Ukraine


In Europe


In World

Education (Other All) *

In Ukraine


In Europe


In World

Dec 19, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION Join our list to unlock premium membership benefits and view the full version of your profile – click hereNotice: Please note that the subject field rankings for the world, region, country, and university are in the Beta Version due to the exclusion of profiles classified under 'Others' (scientists whose branches have not been determined or updated). These rankings will adjust as profiles are updated. Reporting Inappropriate Profiles: To report inappropriate, inaccurate, or unethical profiles, including deceased scientists or profiles that require deletion, please contact [email protected]. In line with our Data Privacy Policy, if you wish to have your personal information removed, please email [email protected]. We will delete your data within 5 business days. Free Updates: To update your university or institution name, please email [email protected] with your AD Scientific Index ID and supporting documentation. 
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University / Institution Rankings Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Rankings
AD Scientific Index ID 5714108
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree

Ukraine: Top 10 Scientists in Education / Education (Other, All)

Владимир Бабаев
>Владимир Бабаев
Владимир Бабаев O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv World Rank #173,021
Mykola Nosko Микола Носко|Nosko, O.S.
>Mykola Nosko  Микола Носко|Nosko, O.S.
Mykola Nosko Микола Носко|Nosko, O.S. TH Shevchenko National University Chernihiv Colehium World Rank #195,491
Олександра Дубасенюк|Aleksandra Dubasenyuk
>Олександра Дубасенюк|Aleksandra Dubasenyuk
Олександра Дубасенюк|Aleksandra Dubasenyuk Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University World Rank #207,094
Людмила Петько Lyudmila Pet'ko
>Людмила Петько Lyudmila Pet'ko
Людмила Петько Lyudmila Pet'ko National Pedagogical University MP Dragomanov World Rank #208,386
Георгій Кучук Heorhii Kuchuk Кучук Георгий
>Георгій Кучук Heorhii Kuchuk Кучук Георгий
Георгій Кучук Heorhii Kuchuk Кучук Георгий National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute World Rank #216,586
Тарнопольський Олег Tarnopolsky Oleg
>Тарнопольський Олег Tarnopolsky Oleg
Тарнопольський Олег Tarnopolsky Oleg Alfred Nobel University Dnipro World Rank #281,388
Наталія Волкова Volkova Nataliia P.
>Наталія Волкова Volkova Nataliia P.
Наталія Волкова Volkova Nataliia P. Alfred Nobel University Dnipro World Rank #331,094
Василь Теслюк Teslyuk Vasyl
>Василь Теслюк Teslyuk Vasyl
Василь Теслюк Teslyuk Vasyl Lviv Polytechnic National University World Rank #356,542
Vladimir Kukharenko
>Vladimir Kukharenko
Vladimir Kukharenko National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute World Rank #363,097
Oleksandr Spivakovskiy|Олександр Співаковський
>Oleksandr Spivakovskiy|Олександр Співаковський
Oleksandr Spivakovskiy|Олександр Співаковський Kherson State University World Rank #367,536

Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych: Top 10 Scientists in Education / Education (Other, All)

Юрій Мосейчук Yuriy Moseychuk Yurii Moseichuk|Юрій Мосейчук, Yurii Moseichuk
>Юрій Мосейчук Yuriy Moseychuk Yurii Moseichuk|Юрій Мосейчук, Yurii Moseichuk
Юрій Мосейчук Yuriy Moseychuk Yurii Moseichuk|Юрій Мосейчук, Yurii Moseichuk Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #738,711
Oksana Kyselytsia|Оксана Киселиця
>Oksana Kyselytsia|Оксана Киселиця
Oksana Kyselytsia|Оксана Киселиця Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #847,360
Oleksandr Derevyanchuk|O.V. Derevyanchuk, Oleksandr V. Derevyanchuk, Олександр Деревянчук, A.V. Derevyanchuk, Деревянчук Олександр Володимирович, О.В. Деревянчук, А.В. Деревянчук, O.V. Derevynchuk
>Oleksandr Derevyanchuk|O.V. Derevyanchuk, Oleksandr V. Derevyanchuk, Олександр Деревянчук, A.V. Derevyanchuk, Деревянчук Олександр Володимирович, О.В. Деревянчук, А.В. Деревянчук, O.V. Derevynchuk
Oleksandr Derevyanchuk|O.V. Derevyanchuk, Oleksandr V. Derevyanchuk, Олександр Деревянчук, A.V. Derevyanchuk, Деревянчук Олександр Володимирович, О.В. Деревянчук, А.В. Деревянчук, O.V. Derevynchuk Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #872,018
Sergiy Yarema
>Sergiy Yarema
Sergiy Yarema Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #988,592
Liudmyla Tymchuk|Liudmyla Tymchuk
>Liudmyla Tymchuk|Liudmyla Tymchuk
Liudmyla Tymchuk|Liudmyla Tymchuk Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #1,055,210
Tetiana Fedirchyk, Тетяна Федірчик|Tetiana Fedirchyk, Тетяна Мишковська
>Tetiana Fedirchyk, Тетяна Федірчик|Tetiana Fedirchyk, Тетяна Мишковська
Tetiana Fedirchyk, Тетяна Федірчик|Tetiana Fedirchyk, Тетяна Мишковська Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #1,135,291
Olena Hauriak / Олена Гауряк
>Olena Hauriak / Олена Гауряк
Olena Hauriak / Олена Гауряк Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #1,234,625
Mariia Oliinyk|Maria Oliinyk, Mariia Olinyk
>Mariia Oliinyk|Maria Oliinyk, Mariia Olinyk
Mariia Oliinyk|Maria Oliinyk, Mariia Olinyk Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #1,291,589
Yuliia Zhurat|Yulia Zhurat
>Yuliia Zhurat|Yulia Zhurat
Yuliia Zhurat|Yulia Zhurat Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #1,404,214
Mariia Komisaryk|Mariia Komisaryk
>Mariia Komisaryk|Mariia Komisaryk
Mariia Komisaryk|Mariia Komisaryk Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #1,434,801

Ukraine: Top 10 Scientists in Education

Козина Ж.Л.; Козіна Ж.Л.; Kozina Z.; Zhanneta K; Zhanneta Kozina|Zhanneta Kozina, Kozina Z.L., Козина Ж.Л.; Козіна Ж.Л.
>Козина Ж.Л.; Козіна Ж.Л.; Kozina Z.; Zhanneta K; Zhanneta Kozina|Zhanneta Kozina, Kozina Z.L., Козина Ж.Л.; Козіна Ж.Л.
Козина Ж.Л.; Козіна Ж.Л.; Kozina Z.; Zhanneta K; Zhanneta Kozina|Zhanneta Kozina, Kozina Z.L., Козина Ж.Л.; Козіна Ж.Л. H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University Education Physical Education and Sport Science World Rank #86,915
Iermakov Sergii; Iermakov S.S.; Єрмаков С.С.; Ермаков С.С.
>Iermakov Sergii; Iermakov S.S.; Єрмаков С.С.; Ермаков С.С.
Iermakov Sergii; Iermakov S.S.; Єрмаков С.С.; Ермаков С.С. H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University Education Physical Education and Sport Science World Rank #96,030
Oleg Khudolii Олег Худолій
>Oleg Khudolii Олег Худолій
Oleg Khudolii Олег Худолій H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University Education Physical Education and Sport Science World Rank #149,002
Olga Ivashchenko Ольга Іващенко
>Olga Ivashchenko Ольга Іващенко
Olga Ivashchenko Ольга Іващенко H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University Education Physical Education and Sport Science World Rank #149,011
Владимир Бабаев
>Владимир Бабаев
Владимир Бабаев O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #173,021
Мирослав Іванович Жалдак
>Мирослав Іванович Жалдак
Мирослав Іванович Жалдак National Pedagogical University MP Dragomanov Education Mathematics and Science Education World Rank #176,685
Andriy Gusak
>Andriy Gusak
Andriy Gusak Bohdan Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University Education Mathematics and Science Education World Rank #176,839
Mykola Nosko Микола Носко|Nosko, O.S.
>Mykola Nosko  Микола Носко|Nosko, O.S.
Mykola Nosko Микола Носко|Nosko, O.S. TH Shevchenko National University Chernihiv Colehium Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #195,491
Олександра Дубасенюк|Aleksandra Dubasenyuk
>Олександра Дубасенюк|Aleksandra Dubasenyuk
Олександра Дубасенюк|Aleksandra Dubasenyuk Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #207,094
Людмила Петько Lyudmila Pet'ko
>Людмила Петько Lyudmila Pet'ko
Людмила Петько Lyudmila Pet'ko National Pedagogical University MP Dragomanov Education Education (Other, All) World Rank #208,386

Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych: Top 10 Scientists

Alexander G. Ushenko
>Alexander G. Ushenko
Alexander G. Ushenko Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Engineering & Technology Biomedical Engineering World Rank #78,821
Yuriy A. Ushenko|Yurii Ushenko
>Yuriy A. Ushenko|Yurii Ushenko
Yuriy A. Ushenko|Yurii Ushenko Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Engineering & Technology Biomedical Engineering World Rank #125,581
Alexander V. Dubolazov
>Alexander V. Dubolazov
Alexander V. Dubolazov Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Engineering & Technology Biomedical Engineering World Rank #193,722
Claudia Yu. Zenkova
>Claudia Yu. Zenkova
Claudia Yu. Zenkova Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Natural Sciences Physics World Rank #222,828
Volodymyr Ushenko
>Volodymyr Ushenko
Volodymyr Ushenko Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Engineering & Technology Biomedical Engineering World Rank #291,867
Roman A. Volkov Роман Анатолійович Волков|Роман Анатолійович Волков
>Roman A. Volkov Роман Анатолійович Волков|Роман Анатолійович Волков
Roman A. Volkov Роман Анатолійович Волков|Роман Анатолійович Волков Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Natural Sciences Molecular Biology & Genetics World Rank #296,504
Ярослав Петрович Галан Galan Y; Yaroslav Galan|Ярослав Галан
>Ярослав Петрович Галан Galan Y; Yaroslav Galan|Ярослав Галан
Ярослав Петрович Галан Galan Y; Yaroslav Galan|Ярослав Галан Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Education Physical Education and Sport Science World Rank #307,431
Marianchuk Pavlo Мар'янчук Павло
>Marianchuk Pavlo Мар'янчук Павло
Marianchuk Pavlo Мар'янчук Павло Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Engineering & Technology Metallurgical & Materials Engineering World Rank #339,085
Mykhailo Gorsky
>Mykhailo Gorsky
Mykhailo Gorsky Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Natural Sciences Physics World Rank #414,801
Petro Fochuk
>Petro Fochuk
Petro Fochuk Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych Natural Sciences Chemical Sciences World Rank #446,528

Ukraine: Similarly Ranked Academics in Education / Education (Other, All)