Top 100 scientists can be ranked globally or specific to the following regions including Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America, Oceania, Arab League, ASEAN, EECA, and BRICS based on total H-index scores without any breakdown by subject areas. Top 100 rankings in the world, in a continent, or a region include standardized subjects areas of Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design and Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering & Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law/Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Art and Humanities Rankings and Social Sciences and Humanities Rankings BETA VERSION. Subject field ranking in world, region, country and university is beta version since subject field "others" (910,673 scientists profile whose branch cannot be determined, not yet edited or determined) is excluded, so the ranking will change as the others fields are edited. Please note that. Subjects indicated as “ * others ” will not be included in the ranking by regions and subjects.
![Veithzal Rivai Zainal](
![Denok Sunarsi](
![Iskandar Muda](
![Irham Fahmi](
![M Shabri Abd Majid](
![Aam Slamet Rusydiana|Aam Rusydiana, Aam S. Rusydiana, AS. Rusydiana](
![Muhammad Hasan|M Hasan, Hasan, Muhammad](
![Ikbar Pratama](
![Agus Wibowo](
![Mamduh M Hanafi](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
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![Lucky Nugroho](
![Sukirman Unnes](
![Muhammad Syafii Antonio](
![Amrie Firmansyah](
![P Eko Prasetyo](
![Dwi Martani](
![Nur Fadjrih Asyik](
![Mudrajad Kuncoro](
![Komang Adi Kurniawan Saputra](
![Amy Ickowitz](
![Zulaikha Zulaikha](
![I Putu Gde Sukaatmadja](
![Annisa Nazwa Ifada](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Joy Elly Tulung](
![Nadia Asandimitra](
![Muhammad Rizal](
![Iwan Triyuwono](
![Sutrisno T](
![Al Muzara Ah](
![Muhammad Khafid](
![Maulana Yusup](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Nur Hidayah](
![Ridwan Unilak](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Dewi Kusuma Wardani](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Bernhard Tewal](
![Ardi Gunardi](
![Anantawikrama Tungga Atmadja](
![I Ketut Yadnyana](
![Irfan Syauqi Beik](
![Etna Nur Afri Yuyetta](
![Tika Widiastuti](
![Yuria Mendra Unmas](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Doddy Setiawan](
![Silvya L Mandey](
![Tri Widodo](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Yohanes Agung Nugroho](
![Siti Nurlaela](
![I Gusti Ayu Purnamawati](
![Raditya Sukmana](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Luh Gede Sri Artini](
![Edy Sujana](
![Herry Laksito](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Ni Ketut Rasmini](
![Sidharta Utama](
![Fidya Arie Pratama](
![Iman Harymawan](
![Budi Harto](
![Ahmad Nurkhin](
![Teddy Chandra](
![Akhmad Fauzi](
![I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Budiasih](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suaryana](
![Mohammad Nur Rianto Al Arif](
![Siti Aisyah](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Dian Agustia](
![Altje Lenny Tumbel](
![Made Arie Wahyuni](
![H Almuqorroby](
![Almasdi Syahza](
![Muhammad Saifi](
![Joko Mariyono](
![Irwan Trinugroho](
![Andi Kartika](
![I Made Wianto Putra](
![Ni Kadek Sinarwati](
![Maria Mediatrix Ratna Sari](
![Etty Murwaningsari](
![Made Sudarma](
![Farah Margaretha Leon](
![Sukrisno Agoes](
![Luciana Spica Almilia](
![Rico Nur Ilham](
![Edwin Basmar](
![Kartini Kartini](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Agus Tri Basuki](
![Lppm Stmik Rosma](
![Anna Fatchiya](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Gede Adi Yuniarta](
![Isfenti Sadalia](
![Ni Wayan Rustiarini](
![I Gusti Ayu Made Asri Dwija Putri](
![Ventje Ilat](
![Erni Sulindawati Ni Luh Gede](