Scientist and University Rankings 2024

Colombia University / Institution Rankings 2024 (Sort by: Last 6 Years Citations)

"AD Scientific Index" is the only university/institution ranking system that analyzes the distribution of scientists in an institution according to the  top % 10, %20, %40, %60, % 80 percentiles and total scientists. In addition to the country, continent and world ranking of all institutions (24,294), the "Type of Institution" section provides the ranking of universities separately among All Universities (161), Private Universities (98) and Public Universities (63) is given separately. You can also find the rankings of institutions (11), companies (6) and hospitals ()."AD Scientific Index" is the only source where you can evaluate all these institutions according to Total H Index, Last 6 Years H Index, Total i10 Index, Last 6 Years i10 Index, Total Citations and Last 6 Years Citations and analyse the latest developments of the institution.   Best universities in AfricaAsiaEuropeLatin AmericaNorth AmericaOceania 2024 The "AD Scientific Index" University Ranking will not only show the areas in which a university is best or focused, but also reflect the results of the institutions' scientist recruitment policies. This feature reveals the ability of institutions to attract successful scientists and the ability of institutions to promote advances and retain scientists. See also: University Subject Rankings You can edit your university page yourself by registering.

AD Scientific Index - World University/Institution Rankings 2024 Total Number of Scientists in University/Institution
Latin America Ranking Country Ranking Region Ranking World Ranking University / Institution Country Founded Source Best Scientist in University/Institution
World Rank / Name
Total Institutions
in Country
Total Scientists
in Index
In top %10 In top %20 In top %30 In top %40 In top %50 In top %60 In top %70 In top %80 In top %90 Total Scientists
in Index
1 51 479 7,162
Universidad de los Llanos
Colombia 1974 Public 355,381
Pablo Emilio Cruz Casallas
178 79 0 2 11 14 18 18 28 44 62 79
2 52 485 7,226
Corporación Universitaria del Caribe
Colombia 1978 Private 169,740
Lina Maria Garcia Perez
178 91 1 1 3 8 9 21 35 48 74 91
3 53 511 7,661
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Colombia 1984 Private 231,878
Laura Sofia Sanchez Sanabria
178 104 0 1 4 6 16 32 50 63 83 104
4 54 514 7,716
Universidad del Sinú
Colombia 1977 Private 78,707
Stefano Vinaccia
178 66 1 1 2 4 14 26 38 44 57 66
5 55 519 7,765
Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
Colombia 1934 Institution 401,062
Maria Mercedes Bravo
178 22 0 1 4 6 7 11 15 17 20 22
6 56 530 7,900
Universidad de La Salle Colombia
Colombia 1965 Private 233,004
Equidad Y Desarrollo
178 16 0 1 1 3 4 10 14 15 15 16
7 57 538 8,053
Institucion Universitaria Antonio Jose Camacho
Colombia 1993 Public 81,598
Alejandra Gomez Velasco
178 26 1 1 2 2 3 4 9 12 19 26
8 58 540 8,057
Universidad Autónoma de Colombia
Colombia 1972 Private 153,818
Carlos German Zárate Pérez
178 30 1 1 1 2 5 6 7 11 18 30
9 59 544 8,188
Corporación Universitaria Reformada
Colombia 2002 Private 205,527
Jesus Garcia Guiliany
178 15 0 1 1 1 1 3 6 8 13 15
10 60 557 8,326
Corporación Geológica ARES
Colombia 1981 Company 156,914
German Bayona
178 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2


11 61 569 8,454
Universidad de Medellín
Colombia 1950 Private 150,239
Japcy Margarita Quiceno
178 193 2 8 18 36 68 103 133 167 180 193
12 62 573 8,471
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali
Colombia 1623 Private 143,304
Gustavo H. Kattan
178 255 1 6 19 33 55 79 108 153 205 255
13 63 579 8,505
Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria
Colombia 1995 Institution 182,349
Andrés J. Cortés
178 192 1 6 14 27 47 81 109 145 175 192
14 64 585 8,547
Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano
Colombia 1959 Private 170,480
Salomon Kalmanovitz
178 208 3 5 15 29 53 70 86 119 146 208
15 65 603 8,681
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Colombia 1958 Private 383,919
Isabel Hernández Arteaga
178 46 0 3 6 10 11 16 22 30 41 46
16 66 613 8,787
Universidad de la Guajira UNIGUAJIRA
Colombia 1977 Public 256,736
Luis Arias
178 156 0 2 8 15 19 26 38 60 85 156
17 67 618 8,885
Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
Colombia 1984 Private 502,788
Anyerson Stiths Gómez Tabares
178 12 0 0 4 8 11 11 11 11 11 12
18 68 620 8,918
Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración CESA
Colombia 1975 Private 304,019
Alexander Guzman
178 22 0 2 2 6 9 13 17 19 21 22
19 69 628 9,033
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
Colombia 1970 Public 454,858
Miguel Garcés Prettel
178 115 0 0 4 12 29 47 56 74 90 115
20 70 629 9,034
Universidad de Nariño
Colombia 1904 Public 438,662
Mauricio Herrera-López
178 156 0 0 9 21 26 45 58 81 113 156
21 71 644 9,133
Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
Colombia 1981 Private 480,354
Jose Armando Vidarte Claros
178 151 0 0 3 7 23 36 62 87 113 151
22 72 647 9,166
Universidad de Ibagué
Colombia 1980 Private 338,437
Edison Osorio
178 72 0 2 4 8 15 24 33 47 55 72
23 73 652 9,211
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios UNIMINUTO
Colombia 1990 Private 97,803
Guillermo Fernando Guarin Montenegro
178 30 1 4 7 10 11 15 16 19 20 30
24 74 661 9,324
Universidad Católica de Pereira (Popular del Risaralda)
Colombia 1976 Private 254,068
Henao-Lopez, Juan Carlos
178 64 0 1 3 3 9 16 24 37 53 64
25 75 670 9,436
Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior
Colombia 1981 Private 283,441
Maria Carolina Arroyo Castillo
178 31 0 2 3 4 6 7 10 17 28 31