University, Subject, Country, Region, World

World University / Institution Rankings 2024

"AD Scientific Index" is the only university/institution ranking system that analyzes the distribution of scientists in an institution according to the  top % 10, %20, %40, %60, % 80 percentiles and total scientists. In addition to the country, continent and world ranking of all institutions, the "Type of Institution" section provides the ranking of universities separately among All Universities, Private Universities and Public Universities is given separately. You can also find the rankings of institutions, companies and hospitals. "AD Scientific Index" is the only source where you can evaluate all these institutions according to Total H Index, Last 6 Years H Index, Total i10 Index, Last 6 Years i10 Index, Total Citations and Last 6 Years Citations and analyse the latest developments of the institution.   Best universities in AfricaAsiaEuropeLatin AmericaNorth AmericaOceania 2024 The "AD Scientific Index" University Ranking will not only show the areas in which a university is best or focused, but also reflect the results of the institutions' scientist recruitment policies. This feature reveals the ability of institutions to attract successful scientists and the ability of institutions to promote advances and retain scientists. See also: University Subject Rankings 

AD Scientific Index - World University/Institution Rankings 2024 Total Number of Scientists in University/Institution
Country Ranking Region Ranking World Ranking University / Institution Country Founded Source Best Scientist in University/Institution
World Rank / Name
Total Institutions in Country Total Scientists in Index In top %10 In top %20 In top %30 In top %40 In top %50 In top %60 In top %70 In top %80 In top %90 Total Scientists in Index
49 56 101
University of Connecticut
United States 1881 Public 3,598
Cato T Laurencin
3,134 1,342 306 540 734 929 1,080 1,178 1,220 1,254 1,292 1,342
50 57 102
Mayo Clinic
United States 1972 Hospital 179
Dennis W Dickson
3,134 1,368 306 519 701 862 993 1,123 1,227 1,298 1,343 1,368
3 33 103
Universität Zürich
Switzerland 1833 Public 293
Florencia Canelli

134 1,126 300 483 628 756 874 952 1,022 1,059 1,100 1,126
8 8 104
University of Western Australia
Australia 1911 Public 875
Graeme J Hankey

142 1,239 293 541 701 843 965 1,104 1,169 1,191 1,212 1,239
1 6 105
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Israel 1918 Public 2,299
Shalom H Schwartz
81 1,190 293 509 704 845 964 1,037 1,095 1,121 1,165 1,190
9 9 106
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Australia 1916 Institution 3,613
Gareth F Moorhead

142 1,565 290 626 885 1,105 1,303 1,423 1,487 1,533 1,556 1,565
2 34 107
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Spain 1508 Public 3,995
Bouza E
330 2,250 289 696 1,082 1,462 1,785 1,884 1,917 1,953 2,075 2,250
6 35 108
Università degli Studi di Milano
Italy 1924 Public 368
Carlo La Vecchia

247 1,176 289 526 726 859 937 997 1,066 1,111 1,150 1,176
51 58 109
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
United States 1872 Public 1,845
Fred C Lee
3,134 1,505 288 585 850 1,079 1,258 1,384 1,449 1,461 1,472 1,505
1 36 110
University of Helsinki
Finland 1640 Public 16
Jaakko Tuomilehto

69 1,478 287 532 759 968 1,166 1,297 1,382 1,434 1,462 1,478


6 37 111
Erasmus University
Netherlands 1970 Private 1,119
Frank Verhulst

115 1,044 287 435 566 710 843 951 1,011 1,022 1,034 1,044
52 59 112
Boston University
United States 1869 Private 55
Ralph B D'Agostino

3,134 945 285 459 592 702 809 879 918 935 944 945
2 7 113
Tel Aviv University
Israel 1956 Public 2,261
Ruth Nussinov
81 1,100 280 492 623 753 853 922 976 1,023 1,066 1,100
3 38 114
Technical University of Denmark
Denmark 1829 Public 216
Jens Norskov
72 1,476 279 518 747 931 1,098 1,242 1,345 1,420 1,455 1,476
8 60 115
Université de Montréal
Canada 1878 Public 142
Yoshua Bengio
282 1,145 278 476 647 793 894 961 1,010 1,057 1,099 1,145
53 61 116
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
United States 1931 Institution 160
Paolo Calafiura

3,134 1,036 277 435 610 765 895 971 1,017 1,027 1,034 1,036
12 39 117
University of Bristol
United Kingdom 1876 Public 21
George Davey Smith
317 1,376 276 477 671 840 993 1,121 1,217 1,277 1,338 1,376
9 62 118
University of Waterloo
Canada 1957 Public 1,574
Xuemin Sherman Shen
282 1,492 275 531 719 893 1,046 1,152 1,249 1,323 1,422 1,492
1 40 119
Technische Universität München
Germany 1868 Public 1,046
Thomas Meitinger

547 1,560 274 474 680 856 1,015 1,169 1,346 1,437 1,503 1,560
2 8 120
Zhejiang University
China 1897 Public 4,905
Lanjuan Li
1,013 1,545 273 544 791 982 1,095 1,183 1,346 1,482 1,525 1,545
2 41 121
Lund University
Sweden 1666 Public 319
Else Lytken

91 1,321 273 478 680 847 1,003 1,140 1,217 1,271 1,302 1,321
2 42 122
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
Germany 1472 Public 371
H Erich Wichmann

547 867 273 424 516 583 651 730 811 843 861 867
2 9 123
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong 1963 Public 1,295
Qian Wang
31 1,238 272 440 583 680 794 933 1,084 1,157 1,206 1,238
54 63 124
University of Illinois Chicago
United States 1858 Public 545
Philip S Yu
3,134 1,285 268 495 695 866 999 1,079 1,129 1,175 1,229 1,285
55 64 125
Iowa State University
United States 1858 Public 3,145
Costas M Soukoulis
3,134 1,242 266 524 706 870 985 1,069 1,105 1,130 1,195 1,242
3 10 126
Peking University
China 1898 Public 1,067
Yanfeng Zhang

1,013 1,587 266 470 662 813 938 1,053 1,191 1,315 1,400 1,587
56 65 127
University of Georgia
United States 1785 Public 2,270
Andrew H Paterson
3,134 1,445 265 488 672 822 993 1,137 1,248 1,317 1,385 1,445
2 2 128
Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP
Brazil 1962 Public 771
Tonelli Manganote EJ

576 1,841 260 619 946 1,236 1,498 1,630 1,651 1,666 1,715 1,841
3 43 129
Uppsala University
Sweden 1477 Public 781
Lars Wallentin

91 1,527 259 530 742 956 1,136 1,291 1,395 1,461 1,498 1,527
7 44 130
VU University of Amsterdam
Netherlands 1880 Private 256
Brenda Penninx

115 1,056 256 439 575 707 829 934 990 1,017 1,038 1,056

A New and Different Feature!!!! University Subject Rankings in 12 subjects:

Ranking and analysis of universities by subject in 12 fields such as health, engineering, natural sciences, education, business, economics, social sciences, etc.
8 45 131
Delft University of Technology
Netherlands 1842 Public 677
Mark Van Loosdrecht
115 1,591 254 522 778 1,015 1,245 1,439 1,527 1,547 1,566 1,591
7 46 132
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Italy 1321 Public 3,139
Carlo Di Mario
247 1,282 253 509 698 820 910 997 1,130 1,199 1,254 1,282
57 66 133
University of Miami
United States 1925 Private 1,551
Charles S Carver
3,134 1,007 252 446 611 739 847 910 940 960 985 1,007
3 47 134
Université Catholique de Louvain
Belgium 1834 Private 103
Giacomo Bruno

89 989 245 435 571 657 749 811 860 908 954 989
58 67 135
Oregon State University
United States 1868 Public 2,020
Heidi Schellman

3,134 1,012 243 445 595 700 788 857 895 934 973 1,012
59 68 136
M D Anderson Cancer Center University of Texas
United States 1941 Public 694
Ronald A Depinho
3,134 952 243 362 501 654 768 864 916 940 949 952
8 48 137
Università degli Studi di Torino
Italy 1404 Public 287
Nicola Amapane

247 1,173 242 460 658 791 900 973 1,038 1,092 1,137 1,173
1 3 138
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Mexico 1551 Public 285
Leonid Serkin

524 3,445 236 628 1,014 1,398 1,723 2,054 2,334 2,560 3,148 3,445
60 69 139
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
United States 1943 Institution 1,533
Sheng Dai
3,134 1,000 236 413 594 754 862 935 971 991 997 1,000
61 70 140
Colorado State University
United States 1870 Public 2,363
Robert J Wilson

3,134 988 235 414 586 709 816 878 916 942 963 988
1 10 141
University of Auckland
New Zealand 1883 Public 331
David Krofcheck

52 1,089 234 462 663 797 893 954 995 1,040 1,070 1,089
62 71 142
University of Massachusetts Amherst
United States 1863 Public 32
Stephane Willocq

3,134 1,039 230 407 551 681 789 870 908 948 998 1,039
1 11 143
Kyoto University
Japan 1897 Public 2,116
Susumu Kitagawa
729 1,646 229 429 624 760 891 1,024 1,185 1,371 1,525 1,646
63 72 144
IBM Corporation
United States 1911 Company 2,257
Charu Aggarwal
3,134 1,568 228 494 766 1,016 1,248 1,412 1,490 1,526 1,550 1,568
64 73 145
University of Washington
United States 1861 Public 207
Ali H Mokdad

3,134 630 228 322 397 452 499 565 601 620 627 630
65 74 146
University at Buffalo
United States 1846 Public 2,354
Paras N Prasad
3,134 1,090 227 421 575 718 829 893 930 981 1,034 1,090
66 75 147
University of Delaware
United States 1743 Public 4,246
Donald Sparks
3,134 1,189 227 409 541 690 807 937 1,019 1,071 1,142 1,189
10 76 148
Université Laval
Canada 1852 Public 1,079
Jean-Pierre Després

282 1,142 225 418 544 679 787 889 976 1,037 1,089 1,142
10 11 149
Macquarie University
Australia 1964 Public 1,781
William L Griffin
142 1,219 223 419 590 741 885 993 1,082 1,127 1,184 1,219
67 77 150
Stony Brook University
United States 1957 Public 640
Bee Christopher

3,134 876 223 358 458 557 638 708 779 813 840 876