Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi STIE Pariwisata Bandung is a
prestigious private university
established in 2012 in Indonesia. It is represented
by 17 scientists in the AD Scientific Index. The
university’s scientists are particularly concentrated in
Social Sciences and Humanities (17 scientists), Social Sciences (10 scientists), and Business & Management (5 scientists).
![Emron Edison](
![Apay Safari](
![Khoirul Fajri](
![Adrian Agoes](
![Zia Kemala](
![Taufiq Hidayat](
![Rachmat Astiana](
![Nova Riana](
![Indah Nur Agustiani](
![Erie Hidayat Sukriadi](
![Arisman Muchtar](
![Panji Pamungkas](
![Rattikah Fitrianty](
![Diana Simanjuntak](
![Darmawan Sunarja](
![Aa Permana](/user/assets/images/profile/no-profile-photo.png)
![Raden Rizki Muttaqien](