Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan is a
prestigious private university
established in 2010 in Indonesia. It is represented
by 41 scientists in the AD Scientific Index. The
university’s scientists are particularly concentrated in
Social Sciences and Humanities (29 scientists), Education (18 scientists), and Social Sciences (11 scientists).
![Uba Umbara](
![Nana Sutarna](
![Ricki Yuliardi](
![Oman Hadiana](
![Eva Gustiana](
![Chitra Charisma Islami](
![Evan Farhan Wahyu Puadi](
![Boby Agustan](
![Abdul Rosyid](
![Asep Mahpudin](
![Dedi Iskandar](
![Nanan Abdul Manan](
![Atang Sutisna](
![Agatha Kristi Pramudika Sari](
![Ipan Ripai](
![Nunu Nurfirdaus](
![Dodi Ahmad Haerudin](
![Nanang Mulyana](
![Irfan Fajrul Falah](
![Oman Suryaman](
![Sofhian Fazrin Nasrulloh](
![Muhammad Noor](