In South Russian State Polytechnic University (256) In Russia (46,272) In Europe (782,461) World (2,395,243)
H Index (Total) 6 #99 #24,312 #546,638 #1,456,802
H Index (Last 6 Years) 3 #113 #28,219 #634,555 #???
H Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio
i10 Index (Total) 4 #86 #22,656 #548,653 #???
i10 Index (Last 6 Years) 1 #84 #24,953 #612,257 #???
i10 Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio 25%
Citation (Total) 364 #49 #12,897 #374,640 #???
Citation (Last 6 Years) 51 #97 #25,980 #616,395 #???
Citation Last 6 years / Total Ratio 14%
Natural Sciences * #19
(34) *
(5,769) *
(99,059) *
(312,567) *
Biological Science *
экономика | финансы | экономико-математические модели |
(10) *
(1,239) *
(21,972) *
(67,445) *
Dec 01, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION Notice: Please note that the subject field rankings for the world, region, country, and university are in the Beta Version due to the exclusion of profiles classified under 'Others' (873.938 scientists whose branches have not been determined or updated). These rankings will adjust as profiles are updated. Reporting Inappropriate Profiles: To report inappropriate, inaccurate, or unethical profiles, including deceased scientists or profiles that require deletion, please contact [email protected]. In line with our Data Privacy Policy, if you wish to have your personal information removed, please email [email protected]. We will delete your data within 5 business days. Free Updates: To update your university or institution name, please email [email protected] with your AD Scientific Index ID and supporting documentation. Join our list to unlock premium membership benefits and view the full version of your profile – click here.
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University / Institution Rankings South Russian State Polytechnic University Rankings
AD Scientific Index ID 4489109
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree

South Russian State Polytechnic University: Top 10 Scientists in Natural Sciences / Biological Science

Нина Петровна Шабельская Nina Petrovna Shabelskaya
>Нина Петровна Шабельская Nina Petrovna Shabelskaya
Нина Петровна Шабельская Nina Petrovna Shabelskaya Natural Sciences Biological Science World Rank #904,662
Кашарина Татьяна Петровна Tatiana Р. Kasharina
>Кашарина Татьяна Петровна Tatiana Р. Kasharina
Кашарина Татьяна Петровна Tatiana Р. Kasharina Natural Sciences Biological Science World Rank #907,699
Виктория Лепихова
>Виктория Лепихова
Виктория Лепихова Natural Sciences Biological Science World Rank #1,425,748
Галина Сычева
>Галина Сычева
Галина Сычева Natural Sciences Biological Science World Rank #1,456,790
Ольга Переяслова
>Ольга Переяслова
Ольга Переяслова Natural Sciences Biological Science World Rank #1,462,344
Куликова (Федорченко) Марина Анатольевна
>Куликова (Федорченко) Марина Анатольевна
Куликова (Федорченко) Марина Анатольевна Natural Sciences Biological Science World Rank #1,610,464
Ляшенко Надежда Владимировна (Lyashenko Nadezhda V.)
>Ляшенко Надежда Владимировна (Lyashenko Nadezhda V.)
Ляшенко Надежда Владимировна (Lyashenko Nadezhda V.) Natural Sciences Biological Science World Rank #1,626,830
Sergey Vladimirovich Filonov (Сергей Владимирович Филонов)
>Sergey Vladimirovich Filonov (Сергей Владимирович Филонов)
Sergey Vladimirovich Filonov (Сергей Владимирович Филонов) Natural Sciences Biological Science World Rank #1,774,104
Михаил Михайлович Куликов (Mikhail M. Kulikov)|М.М. Куликов (M.M. Kulikov)
>Михаил Михайлович Куликов (Mikhail M. Kulikov)|М.М. Куликов (M.M. Kulikov)
Михаил Михайлович Куликов (Mikhail M. Kulikov)|М.М. Куликов (M.M. Kulikov) Natural Sciences Biological Science World Rank #1,775,539
Елена Яковенко
>Елена Яковенко
Елена Яковенко Natural Sciences Biological Science World Rank #1,788,718

South Russian State Polytechnic University: Top 10 Scientists

Vladimir Ivanovich Golik Владимир Иванович Голик
>Vladimir Ivanovich Golik Владимир Иванович Голик
Vladimir Ivanovich Golik Владимир Иванович Голик Engineering & Technology Mining Engineering World Rank #157,666
Михаил Александрович Бандурин Mikhail A. Bandurin
>Михаил Александрович Бандурин Mikhail A. Bandurin
Михаил Александрович Бандурин Mikhail A. Bandurin Others World Rank #173,214
V.M. Talanov В.М. Таланов Валерий Таланов Valery Talanov Valeriy Talanov Таланов В.М.
>V.M. Talanov В.М. Таланов Валерий Таланов Valery Talanov Valeriy Talanov Таланов В.М.
V.M. Talanov В.М. Таланов Валерий Таланов Valery Talanov Valeriy Talanov Таланов В.М. Natural Sciences Chemical Sciences World Rank #224,397
Виталий Комащенко Komashchenko Vitaliy
>Виталий Комащенко Komashchenko Vitaliy
Виталий Комащенко Komashchenko Vitaliy Engineering & Technology Mining Engineering World Rank #249,262
Михаил Ланкин
>Михаил Ланкин
Михаил Ланкин Natural Sciences Physics World Rank #304,503
Victor Chernyshev
>Victor Chernyshev
Victor Chernyshev Natural Sciences Chemical Sciences World Rank #329,057
Нина Смирнова Nina Smirnova N V Smirnova
>Нина Смирнова Nina Smirnova N V Smirnova
Нина Смирнова Nina Smirnova N V Smirnova Engineering & Technology Electrical & Electronic Engineering World Rank #353,917
Nikolay I. Gorbatenko Николай Иванович Горбатенко
>Nikolay I. Gorbatenko Николай Иванович Горбатенко
Nikolay I. Gorbatenko Николай Иванович Горбатенко Others World Rank #420,968
Konstantin V. Vodenko Константин В. Воденко
>Konstantin V. Vodenko Константин В. Воденко
Konstantin V. Vodenko Константин В. Воденко History, Philosophy, Theology Philosophy World Rank #446,491
Евгений Борисович Колбачев E. Kolbachev
>Евгений Борисович Колбачев E. Kolbachev
Евгений Борисович Колбачев E. Kolbachev Economics & Econometrics Economics World Rank #449,717

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