Delfi Iskardyani
Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Physics
AD Scientific Index ID: 5148864
TNI Air Force Health Polytechnic Adisutjipto Yogyakarta
In Politeknik Kesehatan TNI AU Adisutjipto Yogyakarta (7) | In Indonesia (105,732) | In Asia (685,365) | World (2,395,240) | ||
H Index (Total) | 1 | #7 | #100,539 | #649,959 | #2,297,951 |
H Index (Last 6 Years) | 1 | #7 | #99,930 | #642,937 | #??? |
H Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio
100% | ||||
i10 Index (Total) | 0 | #7 | #100,573 | #650,403 | #??? |
i10 Index (Last 6 Years) | 0 | #7 | #99,907 | #643,443 | #??? |
i10 Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 0% | ||||
Citation (Total) | 4 | #7 | #100,543 | #650,137 | #??? |
Citation (Last 6 Years) | 4 | #7 | #100,135 | #644,340 | #??? |
Citation Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 100% | ||||
Medical and Health Sciences * |
#5 (5) * |
#10,303 (10,711) * |
(65,893) * |
(232,162) * |
Medical Physics * Medical Physics | |
(1) * |
#21 (24) * |
(357) * |
(1,359) * |
* Dec 01, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION
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University / Institution Rankings
Politeknik Kesehatan TNI AU Adisutjipto Yogyakarta Rankings
AD Scientific Index ID
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree
World: Top 10 Scientists in Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Physics
Dennis Mackin
Dennis Mackin
M D Anderson Cancer Center University of Texas
World Rank #11,122
Shogo Okada
Shogo Okada
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK
World Rank #16,537
John Humm
John Humm
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
World Rank #17,173
Jürgen R Reichenbach
Jürgen R Reichenbach
Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena
World Rank #20,246
Steve Webb
Steve Webb
Institute of Cancer Research University of London
World Rank #22,299
Joseph O Deasy
Joseph O Deasy
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
World Rank #24,645
Walter H Backes
Walter H Backes
Maastricht University
World Rank #25,025
Matt A Bernstein
Matt A Bernstein
Mayo Clinic
World Rank #25,029
Issam El Naqa
Issam El Naqa
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
World Rank #25,621
Huseyin Ozan Tekin
Huseyin Ozan Tekin
University of Sharjah
World Rank #26,544
Indonesia: Top 10 Scientists in Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Physics
Freddy Haryanto
Freddy Haryanto
Institut Teknologi Bandung
World Rank #373,045
Rena Widita
Rena Widita
Institut Teknologi Bandung
World Rank #522,113
Yanurita Dwihapsari
Yanurita Dwihapsari
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
World Rank #1,384,004
Pujianti Bejahida Donuata
Pujianti Bejahida Donuata
Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan IKIP Muhammadiyah mMumere
World Rank #1,427,282
Ariij Naufal
Ariij Naufal
Universitas Diponegoro
World Rank #1,547,831
Irmayatul Hikmah
Irmayatul Hikmah
Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto (Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telematika Telkom Purwokerto)
World Rank #1,568,744
Aris Widodo
Aris Widodo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan
World Rank #1,570,900
Rico Adrial
Rico Adrial
Universitas Andalas
World Rank #1,727,610
Heni Sumarti
Heni Sumarti
Universitas Islam Negeri UIN Walisongo Semarang
World Rank #1,728,612
Nurdina Gita Pratiwi
Nurdina Gita Pratiwi
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
World Rank #1,752,943
Politeknik Kesehatan TNI AU Adisutjipto Yogyakarta: Top 10 Scientists in Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Physics
Indonesia: Top 10 Scientists in Medical and Health Sciences
Harapan Harapan
Harapan Harapan
Medical and Health Sciences
Infectious Diseases
World Rank #46,028
Bachti Alisjahbana
Bachti Alisjahbana
Medical and Health Sciences
Infectious Diseases
World Rank #65,476
Dina Nur Anggraini Ningrum
Dina Nur Anggraini Ningrum
Medical and Health Sciences
Epidemiology and Public Health
World Rank #75,223
Abdul Aziz Alimul Hidayat
Abdul Aziz Alimul Hidayat
Medical and Health Sciences
Nursing and Midwifery
World Rank #84,194
David Maxwell
David Maxwell
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #112,147
Firzan Nainu
Firzan Nainu
Medical and Health Sciences
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
World Rank #114,087
Ferry Efendi
Ferry Efendi
Medical and Health Sciences
Nursing and Midwifery
World Rank #127,212
Mohammad Hakimi
Mohammad Hakimi
Medical and Health Sciences
Obstetrics and Gynecology
World Rank #130,492
Jek Amidos Pardede
Jek Amidos Pardede
Medical and Health Sciences
Nursing and Midwifery
World Rank #150,033
Rovina Ruslami
Rovina Ruslami
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #150,269
Politeknik Kesehatan TNI AU Adisutjipto Yogyakarta: Top 10 Scientists
Nunung Priyatni
Nunung Priyatni
World Rank #1,917,410
Rafiastiana Capritasari
Rafiastiana Capritasari
Medical and Health Sciences
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
World Rank #1,925,773
Zahra Anggita Pratiwi
Zahra Anggita Pratiwi
Medical and Health Sciences
Epidemiology and Public Health
World Rank #1,929,527
Medical and Health Sciences
Nutrition and Dietetics
World Rank #1,936,643
Pristina Adi Rachmawati
Pristina Adi Rachmawati
Medical and Health Sciences
Nutrition and Dietetics
World Rank #2,026,280
Muhammad Sofyan
Muhammad Sofyan
World Rank #2,273,035
Delfi Iskardyani
Delfi Iskardyani
Medical and Health Sciences
Medical Physics
World Rank #2,297,938