Johannes Haag
History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
AD Scientific Index ID: 4572916
University of Potsdam
In Universität Potsdam (642) | In Germany (67,226) | In Europe (782,464) | World (2,395,240) | ||
H Index (Total) | 10 | #303 | #33,235 | #358,010 | #983,459 |
H Index (Last 6 Years) | 6 | #417 | #43,402 | #454,198 | #??? |
H Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio
60% | ||||
i10 Index (Total) | 10 | #304 | #33,276 | #358,456 | #??? |
i10 Index (Last 6 Years) | 4 | #418 | #43,640 | #449,583 | #??? |
i10 Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 40% | ||||
Citation (Total) | 340 | #341 | #36,587 | #386,691 | #??? |
Citation (Last 6 Years) | 151 | #420 | #44,383 | #456,959 | #??? |
Citation Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 44% | ||||
History Philosophy Theology * |
#3 (6) * |
#235 (624) * |
(14,246) * |
(32,849) * |
Philosophy * Theoretical Philosophy | History of Philosophy | Kant | German Idealism | |
#2 (2) * |
#69 (179) * |
(3,554) * |
(8,567) * |
* Dec 01, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION
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University / Institution Rankings
Universität Potsdam Rankings
AD Scientific Index ID
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree
World: Top 10 Scientists in History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Luciano Floridi
Luciano Floridi
University of Oxford
World Rank #4,530
David K Lewis
David K Lewis
University of California Berkeley
World Rank #5,822
Barry Smith
Barry Smith
University at Buffalo
World Rank #7,785
Philip Pettit
Philip Pettit
Princeton University
World Rank #8,704
Kenneth Anderson
Kenneth Anderson
Emory University
World Rank #10,319
Nestor Garcia Canclini
Nestor Garcia Canclini
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
World Rank #10,501
Ray Jackendoff
Ray Jackendoff
Tufts University
World Rank #12,708
Shaun Gallagher
Shaun Gallagher
University of Memphis
World Rank #14,763
Jens H Kuhn
Jens H Kuhn
National Institutes of Health
World Rank #15,992
Stefan J Wagner
Stefan J Wagner
King's College London
World Rank #17,297
Germany: Top 10 Scientists in History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Armin Grunwald
Armin Grunwald
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
World Rank #51,750
Christian List
Christian List
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
World Rank #62,854
Thomas Metzinger
Thomas Metzinger
Helmholtz Institut Mainz
World Rank #77,919
Sybille Krämer
Sybille Krämer
Freie Universität Berlin
World Rank #86,089
Jan Slaby
Jan Slaby
Freie Universität Berlin
World Rank #169,789
Stephan Hartmann
Stephan Hartmann
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
World Rank #184,707
Gerhard Schurz
Gerhard Schurz
Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf
World Rank #185,543
Martin Carrier
Martin Carrier
Universität Bielefeld
World Rank #186,873
Wolfgang Spohn
Wolfgang Spohn
Universität Konstanz
World Rank #223,075
Rainer Hegselmann
Rainer Hegselmann
Universität Bayreuth
World Rank #237,219
Universität Potsdam: Top 10 Scientists in History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
Germany: Top 10 Scientists in History, Philosophy, Theology
Johannes Krause
Johannes Krause
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #7,028
Mark van Kleunen
Mark van Kleunen
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #19,734
Peter Haase
Peter Haase
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #40,306
Armin Grunwald
Armin Grunwald
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #51,750
Christian List
Christian List
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #62,854
Gert Pickel
Gert Pickel
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #62,901
John Komlos
John Komlos
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #70,980
Ute Frevert
Ute Frevert
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #74,188
Sabelo J Ndlovu Gatsheni
Sabelo J Ndlovu Gatsheni
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #75,832
Thomas Metzinger
Thomas Metzinger
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #77,919
Universität Potsdam: Top 10 Scientists
Xuhui Chen
Xuhui Chen
Natural Sciences
World Rank #694
Dieter Neher
Dieter Neher
Natural Sciences
World Rank #5,586
Ralf Metzler
Ralf Metzler
Natural Sciences
World Rank #9,969
Bernd Müller Röber
Bernd Müller Röber
Natural Sciences
Biological Science
World Rank #11,382
Reinhold Kliegl
Reinhold Kliegl
Social Sciences
World Rank #12,777
Thorsten Wagener
Thorsten Wagener
Engineering & Technology
Civil Engineering
World Rank #13,595
Manfred Strecker
Manfred Strecker
Engineering & Technology
Earth Sciences
World Rank #13,826
Andreas Lendlein
Andreas Lendlein
Engineering & Technology
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
World Rank #14,952
Patrick Baudisch
Patrick Baudisch
Engineering & Technology
Computer Science
World Rank #16,975
Harald Clahsen
Harald Clahsen
Social Sciences
World Rank #17,965