Titles Author Journal Year Volume Start Page End Page Journal Link
Optimization of Numerical Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations With Time Delay Dejan Stosovic, Dario Galic and Elvir Cajic Dejan Stosovic, Dario Galic and Elvir Cajic Current Research in Statistics & Mathematics(CRSM) ISSN: 2994-9459 | DOI: 10.33140/CRSM 2024 3 1 21 Click to open
Methods of Solving Partial Differential Equations and Their Application on One Specific Example Elmi Shabani1 , Sead Resic2 , Elvir Cajic3* and Vehbi Ramaj4 Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational Mathematics 2024 3 Click to open
Optimization and Component Linking Through Dynamic Tree Identification (DSI) Radoslav Galic1, Elvir Cajic2*, Elmi Shabani3 and Vehbi Ramaj3 Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational Mathematics 2024 3 47 59 Click to open
Application of Neural Networks and Machine Learning in Image Recognition E. Čajić D. Galić,Z.Stojanović Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette 2024 31 316 323 Click to open
Development of efficient models of artificial intelligence for autonomous decision making in dynamic information systems Rame Elezaj Elvir Čajić, Sead Rešić Springer 2024 3 41 61 Click to open