Titles Author Journal Year Volume Start Page End Page Journal Link
The Legal Significance of the US Recognition of the Atrocities on the Rohingya as Genocide Md. Rizwanul Islam Cornell Journal of International Law Forum 2023 55 Click to open
Letter to the Journal, Not an Overreach of the Court’s Jurisdiction, Putting Erga Omnes into Motion: In Partial Response to Xiao Mao’s Comment on the ICJ’s Judgment on the Preliminary Objections in The Gambia v. Myanmar Md. Rizwanul Islam Chinese Journal of International Law 2022 21 611 615 Click to open
Ordering the Repatriation of the Rohingya Md. Rizwanul Islam Virginia Journal of International Law Online 2021 62 1 Click to open
Intervening in The Gambia’s Quest for Establishing Myanmar’s Responsibility for Atrocities on the Rohingya: Symbolism or Substance? Md. Rizwanul Islam Fordham International Law Journal Online 2020 Click to open
The Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Light of the Prohibition of Genocide and Jus Cogens Norms Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Norman K. Swazo) Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 2024 33 -
Hark! Are PTAs Swallowing up the WTO and Global Economic Welfare?: A Legal and Political Economy Critique of PTAs Md. Rizwanul Islam Singapore Year Book of International Law 2008 12 133 149 -
South Asian Free Trade Agreement and the Possibility of Regional Integration within the SAARC: A Historical, Legal and Economic Analysis Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Michael Ewing-Chow) Asian Journal of Comparative Law 2007 2 1 21 Click to open
Ship Arrest Conventions of 1952 and 1999: Disappointments for Maritime Claimants Md. Rizwanul Islam Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 2007 38 75 817 -
The Bandwagon of Preferential Agreements: Why Should South Asia Join Them More Aggressively? Md. Rizwanul Islam International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry 2009 2(3) 294 308 Click to open
Maintaining an Effective Legislative Framework for Telecommunication Interception in Australia Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Niloufer Selvadurai and Peter Gillies) Criminal Law Journal 2009 33(1) 34 44 -
Preferential Trade Agreements and the Scope of GATT Article XXIV, GATS Article V and the Enabling Clause: An Appraisal of GATT/WTO Jurisprudence Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Shawkat Alam) Netherlands International Law Review 2009 56(1) 1 34 Click to open
Should Singapore Follow the EU in Creating Sui Generis Protection for Databases? Md. Rizwanul Islam Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 2009 4(9) 665 672 Click to open
Unauthorised Access to Wireless Local Area Networks: The Limitations of the Present Australian Laws Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Niloufer Selvadurai and Peter Gillies) Computer Law & Security Review 2009 25(6) 536 542 Click to open
The Global Food Crisis and Lacklustre Agricultural Trade Liberalisation: Demystifying their Nexus Underpinning Reform Md. Rizwanul Islam (with M. Rafiqul Islam) Journal of World Investment & Trade 2009 10(5) 679 697 -
Is the Doomsday of International Law Looming around in the Twenty First Century?: A Response to the Sceptics of Efficacy of International Law Md. Rizwanul Islam Nordic Journal of International Law 2009 78(3) 293 308 -
Identity Theft: Aligning Law and Evolving Technologies Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Niloufer Selvadurai and Peter Gillies) Criminal Law Journal 2010 34(1) 33 47 -
The Reproduction and Communication of Internet Materials by Educational Institutions: The Need for Clarity and Certainty Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Niloufer Selvadurai) Australian Intellectual Property Journal 2010 21(1) 31 41 -
The Expanding Ambit of Telecommunications Interception and Access Laws: The Need to Safeguard Privacy Interests Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Niloufer Selvadurai) Media and Arts Law Review 2010 15(3) 378 390 -
The Proposed Australia-China FTA: Protectionism over Complementarity? Md. Rizwanul Islam (with M. Rafiqul Islam) Legal Issues of Economic Integration 2010 37(3) 203 219 -
Constraints of the Agreement on South Asian Free Trade Area and SAARC Agreement on Trade in Services Militating against Sub-regional Trade Proliferation in South Asia Md. Rizwanul Islam Brigham Young University International Law & Management Review 2010 7(1) 1 35 -
A Diagnosis of the Crawling Trade Liberalisation under the Auspices of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Md. Rizwanul Islam Journal of World Investment & Trade 2010 11(2) 293 308 Click to open
An Appraisal of the South Asian Free Trade Agreement and Its Consistency with the WTO Rules on Preferential Trade Agreements Md. Rizwanul Islam Journal of World Trade 2010 44(6) 1187 1206 -
The Application of the Law of Criminal Defamation to Inflammatory Comments Made on Social Networking Sites: A New Role for an Old Law? Md. Rizwanul Islam (With Niloufer Selvadurai) Criminal Law Journal 2012 36(1) 38 49 -
The Australia India Proposed Free Trade Agreement and Trade in Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Shawkat Alam and Pundarik Mukhopadhya) Journal of World Investment and Trade 2013 14(1) 167 197 Click to open
The Scope for Trade Restrictions to Address the Lack of Compliance with Fire Safety Standards in Garment Factories of Bangladesh Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Naimul Muquim) Journal of World Trade 2015 49(1) 153 172 -
Judges as Legislators: Benevolent Exercise of Powers by the Higher Judiciary in Bangladesh with Not so Benevolent Consequences Md. Rizwanul Islam Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 2016 16(2) 219 234 Click to open
Sifting through the Maze of ‘Person Aggrieved’ in Constitutional Public Interest Litigation: Has Abu Saeed Case Ushered a New Dawn? Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Md. Tayeb-Ul-Islam Showrov) Dhaka University Law Journal 2017 28 155 168 -
The Case of Palestine against the USA at the ICJ: A Non-Starter or Precedent-Setter? Md. Rizwanul Islam Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 2019 48 (1) 1 27 Click to open
The Gambia v Myanmar at the ICJ: Good Samaritans Testing State Responsibility for Atrocities on the Rohingya Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Naimul Muquim) California Western International Law Journal 2020 51(1) 77 131 Click to open
Where Are the LDC and Small Developing State Complainants in the WTO DSB? Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Farhaan Uddin Ahmed) George Washington International Law Review 2020 52(2) 219 251 -
Promptly Notifying Infectious Diseases Likely to Cause Pandemics: Individual State Responsibility, Shared Collective Burden Md. Rizwanul Islam Texas International Law Journal 2021 56(1) 35 57 -
Overhaul of the SDT Provisions in the WTO: Separating the Eligible from the Ineligible’ Md. Rizwanul Islam Pace International Law Review 2021 34(1) 1 24 Click to open
Bangladesh Bhutan PTA: Less is More? Md. Rizwanul Islam South Carolina Journal of International Law and Business Article 2021 18(1) Click to open
The Co-operative Societies Law in Bangladesh: From Hope of Autonomy to Dependence Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Nafiz Ahmed) Dhaka University Law Journal 2022 33 (1) 1 22 -
The Murky State Practice on Recognition of Governments and the National Unity Government in Myanmar Md. Rizwanul Islam Houston Journal of International Law 2022 44 (3) 447 474 -
A Tale of Too Little: Anti-Dumping Tariff between SAFTA Contracting Parties Md. Rizwanul Islam Journal of World Trade 2023 57 (5) 833 850 -
Repatriation of the Rohingya through An ICJ Verdict Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Naimul Muquim) Washington University Global Studies Law Review 2022-23 22 -
Academic Responsibility, Selectivity, and Crime of Aggression Md. Rizwanul Islam (with Nafiz Ahmed) Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 2024 33 (1) -