Subject Title Source Of Funding Budget Start Date End Date
IAEA CRP Analysis of Severe Accidents Phenomena and Development of Recommendations for Simulation of the Studied Phenomena for LWR, uncertainty analysis of PWR simulation models Energoatom NA 08/03/2019 01/03/2023
ENISS Reactor Safety Working Group (European Nuclear Installations Safety Standards). The improvements of Safety for PWR Energoatom NA 08/06/2018 01/07/2019
SMR(Small Modular reactors ) EUR Working group C4 (SMR spent fuel performance requirements) E8 (The economic features of multi-module SMR unit) Energoatom NA 08/03/2019 01/04/2020
APR 1OOO EUR Working group for APR-1000 assessment Energoatom NA 08/03/2020 01/02/2022