Екатерина Бузулукова
Business & Management / Marketing
AD Scientific Index ID: 4612532
Московский государственный университет
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in Marketing
Adrian Bauman
Adrian Bauman
University of Sydney
World Rank #977
R Bagozzi
R Bagozzi
University of Michigan
World Rank #2,379
Joseph F Hair Jr
Joseph F Hair Jr
University of South Alabama
World Rank #2,672
J Holton Wilson
J Holton Wilson
Central Michigan University
World Rank #4,643
Jordan Louviere
Jordan Louviere
University of South Australia
World Rank #5,287
Leonard Berry
Leonard Berry
Texas A&M University
World Rank #5,842
Dhruv Grewal
Dhruv Grewal
Babson College
World Rank #6,211
G Tomas M Hult
G Tomas M Hult
Michigan State University
World Rank #6,657
Roger J Calantone
Roger J Calantone
Michigan State University
World Rank #6,787
V Kumar
V Kumar
Indian School of Business Hyderabad
World Rank #7,430
Russia: Top 10 Scientists in Marketing
Игорь Кублин
Игорь Кублин
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
World Rank #114,637
Valerii L. Muzykant Валерий Леонидович Музыкант
Valerii L. Muzykant Валерий Леонидович Музыкант
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
World Rank #150,724
Юрий Цыпкин
Юрий Цыпкин
State University of Land Use Planning
World Rank #272,081
Svetlana G. Bozhuk
Svetlana G. Bozhuk
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
World Rank #304,753
Дмитрий Анатольевич Шевченко
Дмитрий Анатольевич Шевченко
Moscow Polytech
World Rank #328,427
Дрёмова Нина Борисовна
Дрёмова Нина Борисовна
Kursk State Medical University
World Rank #377,906
Игорь Березин Igor Berezin
Игорь Березин Igor Berezin
National Research University Higher School of Economics
World Rank #378,286
Maria M. Smirnova Мария Михайловна Смирнова
Maria M. Smirnova Мария Михайловна Смирнова
Saint Petersburg State University
World Rank #422,909
Лариса Данченок
Лариса Данченок
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
World Rank #426,973
Astratova Galina V.
Astratova Galina V.
Ural Federal University
World Rank #428,358
Lomonosov Moscow State University: Top 10 Scientists in Marketing
Lev Dudko
Lev Dudko
World Rank #355
Vyacheslav Klyukhin
Vyacheslav Klyukhin
World Rank #379
Ivan Shvetsov
Ivan Shvetsov
World Rank #2,671
Boris Goncharov
Boris Goncharov
World Rank #21,293
Vadim I Agol
Vadim I Agol
World Rank #47,754
Vasily E. Tarasov
Vasily E. Tarasov
World Rank #51,239
Andrey Rubin
Andrey Rubin
World Rank #52,074
Galina Soldatova
Galina Soldatova
World Rank #56,194
Elizaveta Bonch-Osmolovskaya
Elizaveta Bonch-Osmolovskaya
World Rank #57,252
Valentine Nenajdenko|V Nenaydenko, V Nenaidenko, В. Ненайденко
Valentine Nenajdenko|V Nenaydenko, V Nenaidenko, В. Ненайденко
World Rank #59,556
Russia: Top 10 Scientists in Business & Management
Alexander Fedorov
Alexander Fedorov
Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #33,705
Федоров А.В.
Федоров А.В.
Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #40,744
Виктор Сергеев
Виктор Сергеев
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Business Administration
World Rank #80,919
Елена Вартанова Elena Vartanova
Елена Вартанова Elena Vartanova
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #84,310
Игорь Кублин
Игорь Кублин
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
World Rank #114,637
Galina Shirokova|Широкова Г.В.
Galina Shirokova|Широкова Г.В.
National Research University Higher School of Economics
World Rank #126,626
Мельник Галина Сергеевна
Мельник Галина Сергеевна
Saint Petersburg State University
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #136,340
Stepan Zemtsov Земцов Степан Петрович|Stepan Zemtsov, Земцов Степан, Земцов Степан Петрович
Stepan Zemtsov Земцов Степан Петрович|Stepan Zemtsov, Земцов Степан, Земцов Степан Петрович
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
World Rank #139,579
Валерий Владимирович Масленников
Валерий Владимирович Масленников
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Strategic Management
World Rank #146,165
Юрий Ляндау
Юрий Ляндау
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Strategic Management
World Rank #146,486
Lomonosov Moscow State University: Top 10 Scientists
Lev Dudko
Lev Dudko
Natural Sciences
World Rank #355
Vyacheslav Klyukhin
Vyacheslav Klyukhin
Natural Sciences
World Rank #379
Ivan Shvetsov
Ivan Shvetsov
Natural Sciences
World Rank #2,671
Boris Goncharov
Boris Goncharov
Natural Sciences
World Rank #21,293
Vadim I Agol
Vadim I Agol
World Rank #47,754
Vasily E. Tarasov
Vasily E. Tarasov
Natural Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
World Rank #51,239
Andrey Rubin
Andrey Rubin
Engineering & Technology
Biomedical Engineering
World Rank #52,074
Galina Soldatova
Galina Soldatova
Social Sciences
World Rank #56,194
Elizaveta Bonch-Osmolovskaya
Elizaveta Bonch-Osmolovskaya
World Rank #57,252
Valentine Nenajdenko|V Nenaydenko, V Nenaidenko, В. Ненайденко
Valentine Nenajdenko|V Nenaydenko, V Nenaidenko, В. Ненайденко
Natural Sciences
Chemical Sciences
World Rank #59,556