Лидия Анатольевна Коношенко
Business & Management / Strategic Management
AD Scientific Index ID: 4743853
Сибирский федеральный университет
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in Strategic Management
Michael A Hitt
Michael A Hitt
Texas A&M University
World Rank #1,675
Henry Mintzberg
Henry Mintzberg
McGill University
World Rank #2,820
Rob Law
Rob Law
University of Macau
World Rank #3,210
T Ramayah|Ramayah Thurasamy, Thurasamy, R.
T Ramayah|Ramayah Thurasamy, Thurasamy, R.
Universiti Sains Malaysia
World Rank #3,999
Dimitrios Buhalis
Dimitrios Buhalis
Bournemouth University
World Rank #4,433
Christian M Ringle
Christian M Ringle
Technische Universität Hamburg Harburg
World Rank #4,560
Danny Miller
Danny Miller
HEC Montréal École de Gestion
World Rank #4,593
AB Pandit
AB Pandit
Institute of Chemical Technology
World Rank #7,491
Donald C Hambrick
Donald C Hambrick
Pennsylvania State University
World Rank #7,933
Dave Ketchen
Dave Ketchen
Auburn University
World Rank #8,536
Russia: Top 10 Scientists in Strategic Management
Валерий Владимирович Масленников
Валерий Владимирович Масленников
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
World Rank #146,149
Юрий Ляндау
Юрий Ляндау
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
World Rank #146,470
Sergey M. Krymov Крымов С.М.
Sergey M. Krymov Крымов С.М.
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
World Rank #173,246
Олег Подкопаев
Олег Подкопаев
Samara State Academy of Culture and the Arts
World Rank #180,416
Анатолий Колесников
Анатолий Колесников
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
World Rank #206,639
Igor Gurkov
Igor Gurkov
National Research University Higher School of Economics
World Rank #217,435
Ирина Беликова
Ирина Беликова
Stavropol State Agrarian University
World Rank #231,538
Антон Назаренко
Антон Назаренко
Stavropol State Agrarian University
World Rank #245,476
Светлана Левушкина
Светлана Левушкина
Stavropol State Agrarian University
World Rank #245,638
Андрей Байдаков
Андрей Байдаков
Stavropol State Agrarian University
World Rank #245,720
Siberian Federal University: Top 10 Scientists in Strategic Management
Maxim Molokeev
Maxim Molokeev
World Rank #18,091
Eugene A. Vaganov
Eugene A. Vaganov
World Rank #48,867
Dmitry Schepaschenko
Dmitry Schepaschenko
World Rank #58,292
Volova Tatyana Grigorievna
Volova Tatyana Grigorievna
World Rank #87,441
Michail Gladyshev
Michail Gladyshev
World Rank #99,179
Faris Gel'mukhanov
Faris Gel'mukhanov
World Rank #111,529
Alexander Kirdyanov
Alexander Kirdyanov
World Rank #119,036
Erkaev Nikolai Еркаев Николай Васильевич
Erkaev Nikolai Еркаев Николай Васильевич
World Rank #128,119
Skovorodnikov Aleksander Petrovich
Skovorodnikov Aleksander Petrovich
World Rank #161,289
Natalia Koptseva
Natalia Koptseva
World Rank #171,211
Russia: Top 10 Scientists in Business & Management
Alexander Fedorov
Alexander Fedorov
Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #33,690
Федоров А.В.
Федоров А.В.
Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #40,730
Виктор Сергеев
Виктор Сергеев
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Business Administration
World Rank #80,888
Елена Вартанова Elena Vartanova
Елена Вартанова Elena Vartanova
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #84,287
Игорь Кублин
Игорь Кублин
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
World Rank #114,612
Galina Shirokova|Широкова Г.В.
Galina Shirokova|Широкова Г.В.
National Research University Higher School of Economics
World Rank #126,604
Мельник Галина Сергеевна
Мельник Галина Сергеевна
Saint Petersburg State University
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #136,310
Stepan Zemtsov Земцов Степан Петрович|Stepan Zemtsov, Земцов Степан, Земцов Степан Петрович
Stepan Zemtsov Земцов Степан Петрович|Stepan Zemtsov, Земцов Степан, Земцов Степан Петрович
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
World Rank #139,548
Валерий Владимирович Масленников
Валерий Владимирович Масленников
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Strategic Management
World Rank #146,149
Юрий Ляндау
Юрий Ляндау
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Strategic Management
World Rank #146,470
Siberian Federal University: Top 10 Scientists
Maxim Molokeev
Maxim Molokeev
Natural Sciences
World Rank #18,091
Eugene A. Vaganov
Eugene A. Vaganov
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #48,867
Dmitry Schepaschenko
Dmitry Schepaschenko
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #58,292
Volova Tatyana Grigorievna
Volova Tatyana Grigorievna
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #87,441
Michail Gladyshev
Michail Gladyshev
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #99,179
Faris Gel'mukhanov
Faris Gel'mukhanov
World Rank #111,529
Alexander Kirdyanov
Alexander Kirdyanov
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #119,036
Erkaev Nikolai Еркаев Николай Васильевич
Erkaev Nikolai Еркаев Николай Васильевич
World Rank #128,119
Skovorodnikov Aleksander Petrovich
Skovorodnikov Aleksander Petrovich
Natural Sciences
Biological Science
World Rank #161,289
Natalia Koptseva
Natalia Koptseva
World Rank #171,211