Гулзода Мадаминова
Education / Physical Education and Sport Science
AD Scientific Index ID: 4829512
Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in Physical Education and Sport Science
Ulf Ekelund
Ulf Ekelund
Norwegian University for Sport and Physical Education
World Rank #1,877
Louise Burke
Louise Burke
Australian Catholic University
World Rank #4,034
Francisco B Ortega
Francisco B Ortega
Universidad de Granada
World Rank #4,877
Will Hopkins
Will Hopkins
Victoria University
World Rank #4,934
Ross Arena
Ross Arena
University of Illinois Chicago
World Rank #5,996
Andrew Jones
Andrew Jones
University of Exeter
World Rank #6,044
Peter Krustrup
Peter Krustrup
University of Southern Denmark
World Rank #6,491
Robert Ross
Robert Ross
Queen's University Kingston
World Rank #6,547
Wendy J Brown
Wendy J Brown
University of Queensland
World Rank #7,499
Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam
Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam
Deakin University
World Rank #8,500
Uzbekistan: Top 10 Scientists in Physical Education and Sport Science
Sanjar Uraimov Ruzmatovich
Sanjar Uraimov Ruzmatovich
Ferghana State University
World Rank #294,646
Raximboy Yarmatov
Raximboy Yarmatov
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
World Rank #462,079
Saitov Elyor Bakhriddinovich
Saitov Elyor Bakhriddinovich
Tashkent State Technical University Islam Karimov
World Rank #531,450
Islomjon Ruzimatov Erqo'ziyevich
Islomjon Ruzimatov Erqo'ziyevich
Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
World Rank #651,334
Maxmud Turayev
Maxmud Turayev
Bukhara State University
World Rank #949,180
Boburmirzo Ko'Kiyev
Boburmirzo Ko'Kiyev
Chirchiq State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent Region
World Rank #1,036,837
Sobirov Sarvar Tursumurotovich
Sobirov Sarvar Tursumurotovich
Chirchiq State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent Region
World Rank #1,038,187
Shukurov Rahim Salimovich
Shukurov Rahim Salimovich
Bukhara State University
World Rank #1,142,941
Anvar Toxirovich Hasanov|Hasanov Anvar Toxirovich, Хасанов Анвар Тохирович, A.T.Hasanov
Anvar Toxirovich Hasanov|Hasanov Anvar Toxirovich, Хасанов Анвар Тохирович, A.T.Hasanov
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
World Rank #1,242,134
Olimov Alisher Isakovich
Olimov Alisher Isakovich
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
World Rank #1,252,800
Tashkent State Dental Institute: Top 10 Scientists in Physical Education and Sport Science
Мухсинова Махзуна Холмурадовна
Мухсинова Махзуна Холмурадовна
World Rank #607,743
Улугбек Вохидов (Ulugbek Vokhidov)
Улугбек Вохидов (Ulugbek Vokhidov)
World Rank #613,402
Нигман Хабилов
Нигман Хабилов
World Rank #646,308
Рахматулла Нигматов
Рахматулла Нигматов
World Rank #646,312
Д Ф Шамсиев, D F Shamsiev|Джахангир Фазлитдинович Шамсиев
Д Ф Шамсиев, D F Shamsiev|Джахангир Фазлитдинович Шамсиев
World Rank #796,868
Хайдаров Нодиржон Кодирович
Хайдаров Нодиржон Кодирович
World Rank #797,043
Nodira Rustamovna Rustamova|Рустамова Нодира Рустамовна, Нодира Рустамова, NR Rustamova
Nodira Rustamovna Rustamova|Рустамова Нодира Рустамовна, Нодира Рустамова, NR Rustamova
World Rank #798,860
Юсупова Дилдора Зухриддиновна (Yusupova Dildora Zuxriddinovna)
Юсупова Дилдора Зухриддиновна (Yusupova Dildora Zuxriddinovna)
World Rank #874,974
Гавхар Арипова
Гавхар Арипова
World Rank #944,466
Sanobar Kurbanova|Курбанова Санобар Юлдашевна, Курбанова С.Ю., Sanobar Yuldashevna
Sanobar Kurbanova|Курбанова Санобар Юлдашевна, Курбанова С.Ю., Sanobar Yuldashevna
World Rank #1,011,449
Uzbekistan: Top 10 Scientists in Education
Рухилла Казоков
Рухилла Казоков
Chirchiq State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent Region
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #63,675
Avazbek Djurabayev
Avazbek Djurabayev
Uzbek State University of Physical Education and Sport
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #117,909
Sharipov S Shavkat
Sharipov S Shavkat
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #194,011
Sanjar Uraimov Ruzmatovich
Sanjar Uraimov Ruzmatovich
Ferghana State University
Physical Education and Sport Science
World Rank #294,646
Ulugbek E Ergashev|Эргашев Улугбек Эркинович
Ulugbek E Ergashev|Эргашев Улугбек Эркинович
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #313,812
Raximboy Yarmatov
Raximboy Yarmatov
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Physical Education and Sport Science
World Rank #462,079
Nargiza Dilova
Nargiza Dilova
Bukhara State University
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #494,999
Qodir Alqarov
Qodir Alqarov
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #529,948
Nodirabegim Rajabova
Nodirabegim Rajabova
Bukhara State University
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #530,159
Saitov Elyor Bakhriddinovich
Saitov Elyor Bakhriddinovich
Tashkent State Technical University Islam Karimov
Physical Education and Sport Science
World Rank #531,450
Tashkent State Dental Institute: Top 10 Scientists
Мухсинова Махзуна Холмурадовна
Мухсинова Махзуна Холмурадовна
Medical and Health Sciences
Pediatrics and Child Health
World Rank #607,743
Улугбек Вохидов (Ulugbek Vokhidov)
Улугбек Вохидов (Ulugbek Vokhidov)
World Rank #613,402
Нигман Хабилов
Нигман Хабилов
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #646,308
Рахматулла Нигматов
Рахматулла Нигматов
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #646,312
Д Ф Шамсиев, D F Shamsiev|Джахангир Фазлитдинович Шамсиев
Д Ф Шамсиев, D F Shamsiev|Джахангир Фазлитдинович Шамсиев
World Rank #796,868
Хайдаров Нодиржон Кодирович
Хайдаров Нодиржон Кодирович
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #797,043
Nodira Rustamovna Rustamova|Рустамова Нодира Рустамовна, Нодира Рустамова, NR Rustamova
Nodira Rustamovna Rustamova|Рустамова Нодира Рустамовна, Нодира Рустамова, NR Rustamova
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #798,860
Юсупова Дилдора Зухриддиновна (Yusupova Dildora Zuxriddinovna)
Юсупова Дилдора Зухриддиновна (Yusupova Dildora Zuxriddinovna)
World Rank #874,974
Гавхар Арипова
Гавхар Арипова
World Rank #944,466
Sanobar Kurbanova|Курбанова Санобар Юлдашевна, Курбанова С.Ю., Sanobar Yuldashevna
Sanobar Kurbanova|Курбанова Санобар Юлдашевна, Курбанова С.Ю., Sanobar Yuldashevna
World Rank #1,011,449