Владимир Александрович Иванов
Medical and Health Sciences / General Surgery
AD Scientific Index ID: 4989692
Российский университет дружбы народов
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in General Surgery
Ernest E Moore
Ernest E Moore
University of Colorado Denver
World Rank #876
Ara Darzi
Ara Darzi
Imperial College London
World Rank #1,230
Charles J Yeo
Charles J Yeo
Thomas Jefferson University
World Rank #1,240
Alastair M Thompson
Alastair M Thompson
University of Dundee
World Rank #1,396
Markus Büchler
Markus Büchler
Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg
World Rank #1,426
Hartzell V Schaff
Hartzell V Schaff
Mayo Clinic
World Rank #1,461
Steven Gallinger
Steven Gallinger
University of Toronto
World Rank #1,771
John Neoptolemos
John Neoptolemos
Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg
World Rank #2,392
John Fung
John Fung
University of Chicago
World Rank #2,578
John C Marshall
John C Marshall
University of Toronto
World Rank #2,879
Russia: Top 10 Scientists in General Surgery
Владимир Александрович Иванов
Владимир Александрович Иванов
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
World Rank #68,756
Andrey Litvin|Andrey A. Litvin, Litvin A, A. Litvin
Andrey Litvin|Andrey A. Litvin, Litvin A, A. Litvin
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
World Rank #124,434
Зубрицкий Владислав Феликсович
Зубрицкий Владислав Феликсович
Moscow State University of Food Production
World Rank #429,891
Махмуд Тимербулатов
Махмуд Тимербулатов
Bashkir State Medical University
World Rank #430,674
Viacheslav Lipatov|Вячеслав Липатов
Viacheslav Lipatov|Вячеслав Липатов
Kursk State Medical University
World Rank #452,014
Колсанов Александр Владимирович
Колсанов Александр Владимирович
Samara State Medical University
World Rank #488,905
Земляной Александр Борисович
Земляной Александр Борисович
Moscow State University of Food Production
World Rank #601,358
Сергей Каторкин
Сергей Каторкин
Samara State Medical University
World Rank #683,718
Дмитрий Северинов
Дмитрий Северинов
Kursk State Medical University
World Rank #726,860
Базылев Владлен Владленович
Базылев Владлен Владленович
Moscow State University of Food Production
World Rank #728,336
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia: Top 10 Scientists in General Surgery
Russia: Top 10 Scientists in Medical and Health Sciences
Yehuda Shoenfeld
Yehuda Shoenfeld
Saint Petersburg State University
World Rank #998
Raul Gainetdinov
Raul Gainetdinov
Saint Petersburg State University
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
World Rank #7,504
Vasiliy Vlassov
Vasiliy Vlassov
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Epidemiology and Public Health
World Rank #9,524
Roustem Khazipov
Roustem Khazipov
Kazan Federal University
World Rank #42,846
Жанна Кобалава
Жанна Кобалава
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
World Rank #57,130
Владимир Александрович Иванов
Владимир Александрович Иванов
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
General Surgery
World Rank #68,756
Yuri Antonenko
Yuri Antonenko
Lomonosov Moscow State University
World Rank #73,184
Boris Dzantiev
Boris Dzantiev
Federal Research Centre Fundamentals of Biotechnology Russian Academy of Sciences
World Rank #75,000
Volova Tatyana Grigorievna
Volova Tatyana Grigorievna
Siberian Federal University
World Rank #87,441
Michail Gladyshev
Michail Gladyshev
Siberian Federal University
World Rank #99,179