David Milia
Medical and Health Sciences / General Surgery
AD Scientific Index ID: 1391160
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in General Surgery
Ernest E Moore
Ernest E Moore
University of Colorado Denver
World Rank #899
Charles J Yeo
Charles J Yeo
Thomas Jefferson University
World Rank #1,257
Ara Darzi
Ara Darzi
Imperial College London
World Rank #1,272
Alastair M Thompson
Alastair M Thompson
University of Dundee
World Rank #1,420
Hartzell V Schaff
Hartzell V Schaff
Mayo Clinic
World Rank #1,448
Markus Büchler
Markus Büchler
Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg
World Rank #1,449
Steven Gallinger
Steven Gallinger
University of Toronto
World Rank #1,753
John Neoptolemos
John Neoptolemos
Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg
World Rank #2,372
John Fung
John Fung
University of Chicago
World Rank #2,629
John C Marshall
John C Marshall
University of Toronto
World Rank #2,932
United States: Top 10 Scientists in General Surgery
Ernest E Moore
Ernest E Moore
University of Colorado Denver
World Rank #899
Charles J Yeo
Charles J Yeo
Thomas Jefferson University
World Rank #1,257
Hartzell V Schaff
Hartzell V Schaff
Mayo Clinic
World Rank #1,448
John Fung
John Fung
University of Chicago
World Rank #2,629
Christopher L Wolfgang
Christopher L Wolfgang
New York University
World Rank #3,477
Jeffrey E Lee
Jeffrey E Lee
M D Anderson Cancer Center University of Texas
World Rank #3,690
Frederick A Moore
Frederick A Moore
University of Florida
World Rank #3,790
Douglas Evans
Douglas Evans
Medical College of Wisconsin
World Rank #3,912
Richard Schulick
Richard Schulick
University of Colorado Denver
World Rank #3,980
Balch Cm
Balch Cm
M D Anderson Cancer Center University of Texas
World Rank #4,753
Medical College of Wisconsin: Top 10 Scientists in General Surgery
Douglas Evans
Douglas Evans
World Rank #3,912
Thomas Gennarelli
Thomas Gennarelli
World Rank #11,821
Jeffrey R Binder
Jeffrey R Binder
World Rank #14,646
D Woodrow Benson
D Woodrow Benson
World Rank #18,273
Leonard Egede
Leonard Egede
World Rank #18,742
Curt D Sigmund
Curt D Sigmund
World Rank #19,200
Narayan Yoganandan
Narayan Yoganandan
World Rank #21,775
John D Imig
John D Imig
World Rank #21,830
Pippa Margaret Simpson
Pippa Margaret Simpson
World Rank #22,438
Frank A Pintar
Frank A Pintar
World Rank #22,749
United States: Top 10 Scientists in Medical and Health Sciences
Ronald C Kessler
Ronald C Kessler
Harvard University
World Rank #4
Joann E Manson
Joann E Manson
Harvard University
Endocrinology and Metabolism
World Rank #8
Frank B Hu
Frank B Hu
Harvard University
Epidemiology and Public Health
World Rank #9
Graham Colditz
Graham Colditz
Washington University Saint Louis
Epidemiology and Public Health
World Rank #11
Paul M Ridker
Paul M Ridker
Harvard University
Epidemiology and Public Health
World Rank #30
Richard A Flavell
Richard A Flavell
Yale University
World Rank #35
Michael Karin
Michael Karin
University of California San Diego
World Rank #36
Luigi Ferrucci
Luigi Ferrucci
National Institute on Aging
World Rank #46
John PA Ioannidis
John PA Ioannidis
Stanford University
World Rank #55
Peter Libby
Peter Libby
Harvard University
Epidemiology and Public Health
World Rank #66
Medical College of Wisconsin: Top 10 Scientists
Douglas Evans
Douglas Evans
Medical and Health Sciences
General Surgery
World Rank #3,912
Thomas Gennarelli
Thomas Gennarelli
World Rank #11,821
Jeffrey R Binder
Jeffrey R Binder
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #14,646
D Woodrow Benson
D Woodrow Benson
Medical and Health Sciences
Pediatrics and Child Health
World Rank #18,273
Leonard Egede
Leonard Egede
Medical and Health Sciences
Internal Medicine
World Rank #18,742
Curt D Sigmund
Curt D Sigmund
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #19,200
Narayan Yoganandan
Narayan Yoganandan
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #21,775
John D Imig
John D Imig
World Rank #21,830
Pippa Margaret Simpson
Pippa Margaret Simpson
World Rank #22,438
Frank A Pintar
Frank A Pintar
Engineering & Technology
Biomedical Engineering
World Rank #22,749