Gerald W Tannock
Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
AD Scientific Index ID: 1164
Whare Wānanga o Otāgo
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in Microbiology
Didier Raoult
Didier Raoult
Université D'Aix Marseille
World Rank #162,402
Willem M De Vos
Willem M De Vos
Wageningen University & Research Centre
World Rank #162,502
Derek Lovley
Derek Lovley
University of Massachusetts Amherst
World Rank #162,678
Robert E. W. Hancock
Robert E. W. Hancock
University of British Columbia
World Rank #162,775
Lewis L Lanier
Lewis L Lanier
University of California San Francisco
World Rank #162,844
Patrice Nordmann
Patrice Nordmann
Université de Fribourg
World Rank #163,183
B Brett Finlay
B Brett Finlay
University of British Columbia
World Rank #163,308
Rudolf Amann
Rudolf Amann
Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology
World Rank #163,309
Beatrice H Hahn
Beatrice H Hahn
University of Pennsylvania
World Rank #163,603
Carl Nathan
Carl Nathan
Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
World Rank #163,732
New Zealand: Top 10 Scientists in Microbiology
Gerald W Tannock
Gerald W Tannock
University of Otago
World Rank #181,915
Greg Cook
Greg Cook
University of Otago
World Rank #198,159
Mike Taylor
Mike Taylor
University of Auckland
World Rank #228,537
Simon Swift
Simon Swift
University of Auckland
World Rank #244,493
Maureen O'Callaghan
Maureen O'Callaghan
AgResearch Ltd
World Rank #282,153
Gillian Lewis
Gillian Lewis
University of Auckland
World Rank #319,504
Sergio E Morales
Sergio E Morales
University of Otago
World Rank #356,593
Ann Holmes
Ann Holmes
University of Otago
World Rank #362,948
Wei Qin Zhuang
Wei Qin Zhuang
University of Auckland
World Rank #380,622
Ray Cursons
Ray Cursons
University of Waikato
World Rank #388,466
University of Otago: Top 10 Scientists in Microbiology
David Fergusson
David Fergusson
World Rank #163,483
Robert Poulin
Robert Poulin
World Rank #167,990
Peter Herbison
Peter Herbison
World Rank #168,489
W Murray Thomson
W Murray Thomson
World Rank #172,280
John A Crump
John A Crump
World Rank #174,440
Kate M Scott
Kate M Scott
World Rank #177,077
Dirk De Ridder
Dirk De Ridder
World Rank #179,291
Robin aj smith
Robin aj smith
World Rank #180,101
Mark Weatherall
Mark Weatherall
World Rank #180,956
Gerald W Tannock
Gerald W Tannock
World Rank #181,915
New Zealand: Top 10 Scientists in Medical and Health Sciences
Thomas Lumley
Thomas Lumley
University of Auckland
World Rank #166,567
W Murray Thomson
W Murray Thomson
University of Otago
World Rank #172,280
John A Windsor
John A Windsor
University of Auckland
General Surgery
World Rank #173,990
John A Crump
John A Crump
University of Otago
Infectious Diseases
World Rank #174,440
Kate M Scott
Kate M Scott
University of Otago
Health Sciences
World Rank #177,077
Keith J Petrie
Keith J Petrie
University of Auckland
Health Sciences
World Rank #178,047
Dirk De Ridder
Dirk De Ridder
University of Otago
World Rank #179,291
Robin aj smith
Robin aj smith
University of Otago
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
World Rank #180,101
Gerald W Tannock
Gerald W Tannock
University of Otago
World Rank #181,915
Cliona Ni Mhurchu
Cliona Ni Mhurchu
University of Auckland
Nutrition and Dietetics
World Rank #183,297
University of Otago: Top 10 Scientists
David Fergusson
David Fergusson
Social Sciences
World Rank #163,483
Robert Poulin
Robert Poulin
Natural Sciences
Biological Science
World Rank #167,990
Peter Herbison
Peter Herbison
World Rank #168,489
W Murray Thomson
W Murray Thomson
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #172,280
John A Crump
John A Crump
Medical and Health Sciences
Infectious Diseases
World Rank #174,440
Kate M Scott
Kate M Scott
Medical and Health Sciences
Health Sciences
World Rank #177,077
Dirk De Ridder
Dirk De Ridder
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #179,291
Robin aj smith
Robin aj smith
Medical and Health Sciences
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
World Rank #180,101
Mark Weatherall
Mark Weatherall
Natural Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
World Rank #180,956
Gerald W Tannock
Gerald W Tannock
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #181,915