Jauhar Ali
Social Sciences / Library and Information Science
AD Scientific Index ID: 4809544
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in Library and Information Science
C Lee Giles
C Lee Giles
Pennsylvania State University
World Rank #4,897
Yuh Shan Ho
Yuh Shan Ho
Asia University Taiwan
World Rank #8,191
Andrew Booth
Andrew Booth
University of Sheffield
World Rank #10,176
Thomas Blaschke
Thomas Blaschke
Universität Salzburg
World Rank #12,397
Young Tae Chang
Young Tae Chang
Pohang University of Science & Technology
World Rank #14,142
Wolfgang Glänzel
Wolfgang Glänzel
Catholic University of Leuven
World Rank #14,287
Clement J Mcdonald
Clement J Mcdonald
National Institutes of Health
World Rank #17,718
Xiaoping Liu
Xiaoping Liu
Harbin Institute of Technology
World Rank #17,831
Jianguo Wen (JG Wen)
Jianguo Wen (JG Wen)
Argonne National Laboratory
World Rank #18,053
Juho Hamari
Juho Hamari
Tampere University
World Rank #19,341
Indonesia: Top 10 Scientists in Library and Information Science
Endang Fatmawati
Endang Fatmawati
Universitas Diponegoro
World Rank #275,499
Ronal Watrianthos
Ronal Watrianthos
Universitas Al Washliyah Labuhanbatu
World Rank #353,649
Pawit M Yusup
Pawit M Yusup
Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
World Rank #357,233
Nuning Kurniasih
Nuning Kurniasih
Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
World Rank #388,817
Lasa HS
Lasa HS
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
World Rank #471,629
Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja
Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja
Institut Teknologi Bandung
World Rank #526,227
Universitas Islam Negeri UIN Alauddin Makassar
World Rank #526,835
Abdul Rahman Saleh
Abdul Rahman Saleh
IPB University
World Rank #546,158
Rahma Sugihartati
Rahma Sugihartati
Universitas Airlangga
World Rank #561,017
Redaksi Joins
Redaksi Joins
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
World Rank #600,183
Institut Agama Islam Negeri IAIN Pekalongan: Top 10 Scientists in Library and Information Science
Nur Khasanah
Nur Khasanah
World Rank #688,351
Muhamad Rifa'i Subhi
Muhamad Rifa'i Subhi
World Rank #924,555
Shinta Nurani
Shinta Nurani
World Rank #944,631
Agung Barok Pratama
Agung Barok Pratama
World Rank #963,521
taufiq abadi
taufiq abadi
World Rank #1,026,337
Rahmat Kamal
Rahmat Kamal
World Rank #1,028,893
Yunita Islami
Yunita Islami
World Rank #1,071,844
Tri Astutik Haryati
Tri Astutik Haryati
World Rank #1,122,485
Ningsih Fadhilah
Ningsih Fadhilah
World Rank #1,128,161
Dewi Puspitasari
Dewi Puspitasari
World Rank #1,129,571
Indonesia: Top 10 Scientists in Social Sciences
Burhan Bungin
Burhan Bungin
Ciputra University
Social Science
World Rank #11,446
AA Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara
AA Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara
Universitas Mercu Buana
World Rank #49,628
Saifuddin Azwar
Saifuddin Azwar
Universitas Gadjah Mada
World Rank #73,654
Bagong Suyanto
Bagong Suyanto
Universitas Airlangga
World Rank #106,588
Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo
Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo
Universitas Brawijaya
Social Science
World Rank #111,418
Kundharu Saddhono
Kundharu Saddhono
Universitas Sebelas Maret UNS Surakarta
Linguistics and Literature
World Rank #117,489
Suwardi Endraswara
Suwardi Endraswara
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
World Rank #117,896
Sutrisno Hadi
Sutrisno Hadi
Universitas Gadjah Mada
World Rank #126,695
Muh Zainul Arifin
Muh Zainul Arifin
Universitas Brawijaya
Transportation Science & Technology
World Rank #130,335
Achmad Chusairi
Achmad Chusairi
Universitas Airlangga
World Rank #137,476
Institut Agama Islam Negeri IAIN Pekalongan: Top 10 Scientists
Nur Khasanah
Nur Khasanah
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #688,351
Muhamad Rifa'i Subhi
Muhamad Rifa'i Subhi
Guidance and Counseling
World Rank #924,555
Shinta Nurani
Shinta Nurani
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #944,631
Agung Barok Pratama
Agung Barok Pratama
Law and Legal Studies
World Rank #963,521
taufiq abadi
taufiq abadi
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #1,026,337
Rahmat Kamal
Rahmat Kamal
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #1,028,893
Yunita Islami
Yunita Islami
Business & Management
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #1,071,844
Tri Astutik Haryati
Tri Astutik Haryati
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #1,122,485
Ningsih Fadhilah
Ningsih Fadhilah
Guidance and Counseling
World Rank #1,128,161
Dewi Puspitasari
Dewi Puspitasari
World Rank #1,129,571