Nelly Marhayati
Social Sciences / Psychology
AD Scientific Index ID: 4825084
IAIN State Islamic Religious Institute of Bengkulu
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in Psychology
Robert Sternberg
Robert Sternberg
Cornell University
World Rank #199
Chris Frith
Chris Frith
University College London
World Rank #200
Richard M Ryan
Richard M Ryan
Australian Catholic University
World Rank #274
Terrie E Moffitt
Terrie E Moffitt
Duke University
World Rank #324
Dorret I Boomsma
Dorret I Boomsma
VU University of Amsterdam
World Rank #348
Michael Tomasello
Michael Tomasello
Duke University
World Rank #368
Ian Deary
Ian Deary
University of Edinburgh
World Rank #395
Robin M Murray
Robin M Murray
King's College London
World Rank #409
Hans Ulrich Wittchen
Hans Ulrich Wittchen
Technische Universität Dresden
World Rank #436
Wilmar Schaufeli
Wilmar Schaufeli
Utrecht University
World Rank #455
Indonesia: Top 10 Scientists in Psychology
Saifuddin Azwar
Saifuddin Azwar
Universitas Gadjah Mada
World Rank #71,954
Sutrisno Hadi
Sutrisno Hadi
Universitas Gadjah Mada
World Rank #131,028
Achmad Chusairi
Achmad Chusairi
Universitas Airlangga
World Rank #142,139
H Fuad Nashori
H Fuad Nashori
Universitas Islam Indonesia
World Rank #159,963
Radosław Rogoza
Radosław Rogoza
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
World Rank #188,640
Hayatul Khairul Rahmat
Hayatul Khairul Rahmat
Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia UNHAN
World Rank #224,763
Idi Warsah
Idi Warsah
Institut Agama Islam Negeri IAIN Curup
World Rank #238,335
Fatwa Tentama
Fatwa Tentama
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
World Rank #238,803
Noeng Muhadjir
Noeng Muhadjir
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
World Rank #244,401
Azhar Aziz
Azhar Aziz
Universitas Medan Area
World Rank #256,399
Institut Agama Islam Negeri IAIN Bengkulu: Top 10 Scientists in Psychology
Indonesia: Top 10 Scientists in Social Sciences
Burhan Bungin
Burhan Bungin
Ciputra University
Social Science
World Rank #12,471
AA Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara
AA Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara
Universitas Mercu Buana
World Rank #48,428
Saifuddin Azwar
Saifuddin Azwar
Universitas Gadjah Mada
World Rank #71,954
Bagong Suyanto
Bagong Suyanto
Universitas Airlangga
World Rank #103,995
Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo
Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo
Universitas Brawijaya
Social Science
World Rank #114,068
Kundharu Saddhono
Kundharu Saddhono
Universitas Sebelas Maret UNS Surakarta
Linguistics and Literature
World Rank #114,262
Suwardi Endraswara
Suwardi Endraswara
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
World Rank #115,225
Muh Zainul Arifin
Muh Zainul Arifin
Universitas Brawijaya
Transportation Science & Technology
World Rank #127,586
Sutrisno Hadi
Sutrisno Hadi
Universitas Gadjah Mada
World Rank #131,028
Achmad Chusairi
Achmad Chusairi
Universitas Airlangga
World Rank #142,139
Institut Agama Islam Negeri IAIN Bengkulu: Top 10 Scientists
Alfauzan Amin
Alfauzan Amin
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #396,606
Ahmad Walid
Ahmad Walid
World Rank #481,450
Hery Noer Aly
Hery Noer Aly
World Rank #497,117
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #558,256
Moh Dahlan
Moh Dahlan
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #567,255
M Arif Rahman Hakim
M Arif Rahman Hakim
Social Sciences
Linguistics and Literature
World Rank #678,856
A Suradi
A Suradi
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #679,341
Business & Management
Strategic Management
World Rank #729,450
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #782,898
World Rank #783,150