Qin Gao
Natural Sciences / Physics
AD Scientific Index ID: 903545
Leading Academics in This Subject, Co-Authors
Qin Gao's Co-Authors
World: Top 10 Scientists in Physics
HJ Kim
HJ Kim
Kyungpook National University
World Rank #1
Francisco Matorras
Francisco Matorras
Universidad de Cantabria
World Rank #2
SB Kim
SB Kim
Seoul National University
World Rank #4
Alberto Ruiz Jimeno
Alberto Ruiz Jimeno
Universidad de Cantabria
World Rank #5
Fuquan Wang
Fuquan Wang
University of Wisconsin Madison
World Rank #14
Fairouz Malek
Fairouz Malek
laboratoire de physique subatomique et de cosmologie
World Rank #16
Xiaofeng Wang
Xiaofeng Wang
Tsinghua University
World Rank #17
Schoeffel Laurent
Schoeffel Laurent
CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives)
World Rank #19
Donghee Kim
Donghee Kim
Kyungpook National University
World Rank #20
Haijun Yang
Haijun Yang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
World Rank #21
United States: Top 10 Scientists in Physics
Fuquan Wang
Fuquan Wang
University of Wisconsin Madison
World Rank #14
James Brau
James Brau
University of Oregon
World Rank #27
Stephane Willocq
Stephane Willocq
University of Massachusetts Amherst
World Rank #29
Lei Layla Li
Lei Layla Li
Duke University
World Rank #38
Eric Torrence
Eric Torrence
University of Oregon
World Rank #46
Peter Wittich
Peter Wittich
Cornell University
World Rank #49
John Rutherfoord
John Rutherfoord
University of Arizona
World Rank #50
Carlo Dallapiccola
Carlo Dallapiccola
University of Massachusetts Amherst
World Rank #54
Mark Oreglia
Mark Oreglia
University of Chicago
World Rank #57
Kaushik De
Kaushik De
University of Texas Arlington
World Rank #58
Carnegie Mellon University: Top 10 Scientists in Physics
Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
World Rank #435
Takeo Kanade
Takeo Kanade
World Rank #1,101
George Loewenstein|George Lowenstein, George Freud Loewenstein
George Loewenstein|George Lowenstein, George Freud Loewenstein
World Rank #1,150
Aristotle Calamba
Aristotle Calamba
World Rank #1,359
Menglei Sun
Menglei Sun
World Rank #1,516
Christos Faloutsos
Christos Faloutsos
World Rank #1,541
Ignacio E Grossmann
Ignacio E Grossmann
World Rank #2,187
John R Anderson
John R Anderson
World Rank #2,191
Sheldon Cohen
Sheldon Cohen
World Rank #2,400
Baruch Fischhoff
Baruch Fischhoff
World Rank #3,176
United States: Top 10 Scientists in Natural Sciences
Eric Lander
Eric Lander
Harvard University
Mathematical Sciences
World Rank #10
Fuquan Wang
Fuquan Wang
University of Wisconsin Madison
World Rank #14
Bert Vogelstein
Bert Vogelstein
Johns Hopkins University
Molecular Biology & Genetics
World Rank #26
James Brau
James Brau
University of Oregon
World Rank #27
Stephane Willocq
Stephane Willocq
University of Massachusetts Amherst
World Rank #29
Lei Layla Li
Lei Layla Li
Duke University
World Rank #38
Daniel Levy
Daniel Levy
National Institutes of Health
Molecular Biology & Genetics
World Rank #45
Eric Torrence
Eric Torrence
University of Oregon
World Rank #46
Peter Wittich
Peter Wittich
Cornell University
World Rank #49
John Rutherfoord
John Rutherfoord
University of Arizona
World Rank #50
Carnegie Mellon University: Top 10 Scientists
Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
Natural Sciences
Chemical Sciences
World Rank #435
Takeo Kanade
Takeo Kanade
Engineering & Technology
Computer Science
World Rank #1,101
George Loewenstein|George Lowenstein, George Freud Loewenstein
George Loewenstein|George Lowenstein, George Freud Loewenstein
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #1,150
Aristotle Calamba
Aristotle Calamba
Natural Sciences
World Rank #1,359
Menglei Sun
Menglei Sun
Natural Sciences
World Rank #1,516
Christos Faloutsos
Christos Faloutsos
Engineering & Technology
Computer Science
World Rank #1,541
Ignacio E Grossmann
Ignacio E Grossmann
Engineering & Technology
Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
World Rank #2,187
John R Anderson
John R Anderson
Social Sciences
World Rank #2,191
Sheldon Cohen
Sheldon Cohen
Social Sciences
World Rank #2,400
Baruch Fischhoff
Baruch Fischhoff
Business & Management
Decision Science and Operations Management
World Rank #3,176