Swarnali Bose
Social Sciences / Psychology
AD Scientific Index ID: 5007623
सेंट्रल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ साइकियाट्री
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in Psychology
Robert Sternberg
Robert Sternberg
Cornell University
World Rank #162,192
Chris Frith
Chris Frith
University College London
World Rank #162,200
Richard M Ryan
Richard M Ryan
Australian Catholic University
World Rank #162,273
Terrie E Moffitt
Terrie E Moffitt
Duke University
World Rank #162,326
Dorret I Boomsma
Dorret I Boomsma
VU University of Amsterdam
World Rank #162,348
Michael Tomasello
Michael Tomasello
Duke University
World Rank #162,383
Ian Deary
Ian Deary
University of Edinburgh
World Rank #162,411
Robin M Murray
Robin M Murray
King's College London
World Rank #162,443
Hans Ulrich Wittchen
Hans Ulrich Wittchen
Technische Universität Dresden
World Rank #162,450
Wilmar Schaufeli
Wilmar Schaufeli
Utrecht University
World Rank #162,452
India: Top 10 Scientists in Psychology
Ritu Sharma
Ritu Sharma
University of Delhi
World Rank #232,396
Narayanan Srinivasan
Narayanan Srinivasan
Indian Institute of Technology IIT Kanpur
World Rank #263,956
Nimisha Kumar
Nimisha Kumar
Jamia Millia Islamia
World Rank #281,663
Anjanie Agarwal
Anjanie Agarwal
Rama Devi Womens University
World Rank #285,238
Manas K Mandal
Manas K Mandal
Indian Institute of Technology IIT Kharagpur
World Rank #291,001
Shanmukh Kamble
Shanmukh Kamble
Karnatak University
World Rank #315,968
Madhavi Rangaswamy
Madhavi Rangaswamy
Christ University Bengaluru
World Rank #360,494
Arvind K Sinha
Arvind K Sinha
Indian Institute of Technology IIT Kanpur
World Rank #363,143
Sidney Strauss
Sidney Strauss
Amrita University
World Rank #390,472
Manish Gupta
Manish Gupta
Mahindra University
World Rank #421,052
Central Institute of Psychiatry: Top 10 Scientists in Psychology
India: Top 10 Scientists in Social Sciences
Kewal Krishan
Kewal Krishan
Panjab University
World Rank #173,430
Shivaprasad Goudar Mhpe
Shivaprasad Goudar Mhpe
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
World Rank #214,178
Akhilesh Singh
Akhilesh Singh
Uttarakhand Open University
Tourism & Hospitality
World Rank #217,212
Mukhtar Ahmed
Mukhtar Ahmed
University of Delhi
Linguistics and Literature
World Rank #218,958
Ganesan N
Ganesan N
Hindusthan College of Arts & Science
Linguistics and Literature
World Rank #220,478
Krittika Bhattacharyya
Krittika Bhattacharyya
NIBMG National Institute of Biomedical Genomics
World Rank #221,783
NV Siva Kumari
NV Siva Kumari
K L University
Linguistics and Literature
World Rank #223,005
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences
Transportation Science & Technology
World Rank #225,712
Ritu Sharma
Ritu Sharma
University of Delhi
World Rank #232,396
Irudaya Rajan
Irudaya Rajan
Centre for Development Studies CDS Trivandrum
World Rank #233,081
Central Institute of Psychiatry: Top 10 Scientists
Sourav Khanra
Sourav Khanra
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #1,213,923
Swarnali Bose
Swarnali Bose
Social Sciences
World Rank #1,322,191
Hariom Pachori
Hariom Pachori
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #1,696,075
Neha Sayeed
Neha Sayeed
Social Sciences
World Rank #1,838,973
Masood Maqbool
Masood Maqbool
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #1,945,596
Alisha Arora
Alisha Arora
Medical and Health Sciences
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
World Rank #1,969,252