Tiit Elenurm
Business & Management / Entrepreneurship
AD Scientific Index ID: 1476525
Эстонская бизнес-школа
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in Entrepreneurship
David Audretsch
David Audretsch
Indiana University System
World Rank #163,214
Bruce Avolio
Bruce Avolio
University of Washington
World Rank #164,337
Dean A Shepherd
Dean A Shepherd
University of Notre Dame
World Rank #165,468
Shaker A Zahra
Shaker A Zahra
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
World Rank #165,837
Robert A Baron
Robert A Baron
Oklahoma State University Stillwater
World Rank #166,112
Michael Frese
Michael Frese
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
World Rank #166,244
Sascha Kraus
Sascha Kraus
Libera Università di Bolzano
World Rank #167,110
Zoltan Acs
Zoltan Acs
George Mason University
World Rank #167,765
Kalle Lyytinen
Kalle Lyytinen
Case Western Reserve University
World Rank #170,285
Michael Tushman
Michael Tushman
Harvard Business School
World Rank #170,856
Estonia: Top 10 Scientists in Entrepreneurship
Olha V Prokopenko
Olha V Prokopenko
Tallinn University of Technology
World Rank #345,296
Urmas Varblane
Urmas Varblane
University of Tartu
World Rank #401,564
Antti Juhana Ainamo
Antti Juhana Ainamo
Tallinn University of Technology
World Rank #646,085
Tiit Elenurm
Tiit Elenurm
Estonian Business School
World Rank #892,589
Mervi Raudsaar
Mervi Raudsaar
University of Tartu
World Rank #1,054,019
Iuliia Trabskaia
Iuliia Trabskaia
University of Tartu
World Rank #1,173,787
Katri-Liis Lepik
Katri-Liis Lepik
Tallinn University
World Rank #1,199,857
Merike Kaseorg
Merike Kaseorg
University of Tartu
World Rank #1,352,013
Aleksandrs Cepilovs
Aleksandrs Cepilovs
Tallinn University of Technology
World Rank #1,421,535
Basel Hammoda
Basel Hammoda
Tallinn University of Technology
World Rank #1,554,029
Estonian Business School: Top 10 Scientists in Entrepreneurship
Ruth Alas
Ruth Alas
World Rank #297,672
Krishna Venkitachalam
Krishna Venkitachalam
World Rank #810,837
Tiit Elenurm
Tiit Elenurm
World Rank #892,589
Mari Kooskora
Mari Kooskora
World Rank #946,237
Kaire Põder
Kaire Põder
World Rank #988,349
Katri Kerem
Katri Kerem
World Rank #997,757
Aleksandra Kekkonen
Aleksandra Kekkonen
World Rank #1,007,952
Jukka Mäkinen
Jukka Mäkinen
World Rank #1,047,863
Meelis Kitsing
Meelis Kitsing
World Rank #1,122,264
Alari Purju
Alari Purju
World Rank #1,245,265
Estonia: Top 10 Scientists in Business & Management
Marlon Dumas
Marlon Dumas
University of Tartu
Business Administration
World Rank #172,753
Susanne Durst
Susanne Durst
Tallinn University of Technology
Strategic Management
World Rank #247,474
Wolfgang Drechsler
Wolfgang Drechsler
Tallinn University of Technology
Public Administration
World Rank #338,967
Olha V Prokopenko
Olha V Prokopenko
Tallinn University of Technology
World Rank #345,296
Urmas Varblane
Urmas Varblane
University of Tartu
World Rank #401,564
Maaja Vadi
Maaja Vadi
University of Tartu
Strategic Management
World Rank #467,070
Ahmed Awad
Ahmed Awad
University of Tartu
Business Administration
World Rank #489,195
Katrin Tiidenberg
Katrin Tiidenberg
Tallinn University
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #589,985
Wolfgang Gerstlberger
Wolfgang Gerstlberger
Tallinn University of Technology
Decision Science and Operations Management
World Rank #606,531
Antti Juhana Ainamo
Antti Juhana Ainamo
Tallinn University of Technology
World Rank #646,085
Estonian Business School: Top 10 Scientists
Ruth Alas
Ruth Alas
World Rank #297,672
Krishna Venkitachalam
Krishna Venkitachalam
Business & Management
Strategic Management
World Rank #810,837
Tiit Elenurm
Tiit Elenurm
Business & Management
World Rank #892,589
Mari Kooskora
Mari Kooskora
Business & Management
Business Administration
World Rank #946,237
Kaire Põder
Kaire Põder
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #988,349
Katri Kerem
Katri Kerem
Business & Management
World Rank #997,757
Aleksandra Kekkonen
Aleksandra Kekkonen
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #1,007,952
Jukka Mäkinen
Jukka Mäkinen
Law and Legal Studies
World Rank #1,047,863
Meelis Kitsing
Meelis Kitsing
Social Sciences
Political Science and International Relations
World Rank #1,122,264
Alari Purju
Alari Purju
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #1,245,265