Tina Grahl
Social Sciences / Library and Information Science
AD Scientific Index ID: 5276218
Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences
Leading Academics in This Subject, Co-Authors
Tina Grahl's Co-Authors
World: Top 10 Scientists in Library and Information Science
C Lee Giles
C Lee Giles
Pennsylvania State University
World Rank #4,954
Yuh Shan Ho
Yuh Shan Ho
Asia University Taiwan
World Rank #8,293
Andrew Booth
Andrew Booth
University of Sheffield
World Rank #10,342
Thomas Blaschke
Thomas Blaschke
Universität Salzburg
World Rank #12,536
Wolfgang Glänzel
Wolfgang Glänzel
Catholic University of Leuven
World Rank #13,863
Young Tae Chang
Young Tae Chang
Pohang University of Science & Technology
World Rank #14,319
Xiaoping Liu
Xiaoping Liu
Harbin Institute of Technology
World Rank #16,661
Clement J Mcdonald
Clement J Mcdonald
National Institutes of Health
World Rank #17,260
Jianguo Wen (JG Wen)
Jianguo Wen (JG Wen)
Argonne National Laboratory
World Rank #18,301
Juho Hamari
Juho Hamari
Tampere University
World Rank #18,842
Germany: Top 10 Scientists in Library and Information Science
Sören Auer
Sören Auer
Universität Hannover
World Rank #30,629
Li Zhilin
Li Zhilin
Technische Universität Berlin
World Rank #62,586
Andreas Lücke
Andreas Lücke
Forschungszentrum Jülich
World Rank #69,386
Eberhard Gischler
Eberhard Gischler
Goethe University Frankfurt
World Rank #137,249
Werner Marx
Werner Marx
Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung
World Rank #142,215
Wolfgang G. Stock
Wolfgang G. Stock
Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf
World Rank #151,339
Robin Haunschild
Robin Haunschild
Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung
World Rank #176,775
Dirk Burghardt
Dirk Burghardt
Technische Universität Dresden
World Rank #242,463
Frank Hopfgartner
Frank Hopfgartner
Universität Koblenz Landau
World Rank #291,753
Ralph Ewerth
Ralph Ewerth
Universität Hannover
World Rank #298,187
Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg: Top 10 Scientists in Library and Information Science
Ralf Hellmann
Ralf Hellmann
World Rank #212,593
GianLuca Roth
GianLuca Roth
World Rank #741,605
Simon Schwarz
Simon Schwarz
World Rank #758,562
Stefan Kefer
Stefan Kefer
World Rank #1,040,580
Viktor Kress
Viktor Kress
World Rank #1,144,960
Carsten Reuter
Carsten Reuter
World Rank #1,217,521
Kilian Hartmann
Kilian Hartmann
World Rank #1,297,266
Holger Von JouanneDiedrich
Holger Von JouanneDiedrich
World Rank #1,330,612
Florian Lieb
Florian Lieb
World Rank #1,365,370
Ute Knippenberger
Ute Knippenberger
World Rank #1,484,784
Germany: Top 10 Scientists in Social Sciences
Hans Ulrich Wittchen
Hans Ulrich Wittchen
Technische Universität Dresden
World Rank #419
Clemens Kirschbaum
Clemens Kirschbaum
Technische Universität Dresden
World Rank #1,833
Jan Born
Jan Born
Universität Tubingen
World Rank #2,164
Elmar Braehler
Elmar Braehler
Universität Leipzig
World Rank #2,684
Ulman Lindenberger
Ulman Lindenberger
Max Planck Institute for Human Development
World Rank #3,047
Reinhard Pekrun
Reinhard Pekrun
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
World Rank #3,118
Thomas Elbert
Thomas Elbert
Universität Konstanz
World Rank #3,271
Winfried Rief
Winfried Rief
Philipps Universität Marburg
World Rank #5,231
Jw Vaupel
Jw Vaupel
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
World Rank #5,301
Hellhammer D
Hellhammer D
Universität Trier
World Rank #6,809
Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg: Top 10 Scientists
Ralf Hellmann
Ralf Hellmann
Natural Sciences
World Rank #212,593
GianLuca Roth
GianLuca Roth
World Rank #741,605
Simon Schwarz
Simon Schwarz
World Rank #758,562
Stefan Kefer
Stefan Kefer
World Rank #1,040,580
Viktor Kress
Viktor Kress
Engineering & Technology
Computer Science
World Rank #1,144,960
Carsten Reuter
Carsten Reuter
Business & Management
Decision Science and Operations Management
World Rank #1,217,521
Kilian Hartmann
Kilian Hartmann
World Rank #1,297,266
Holger Von JouanneDiedrich
Holger Von JouanneDiedrich
World Rank #1,330,612
Florian Lieb
Florian Lieb
World Rank #1,365,370
Ute Knippenberger
Ute Knippenberger
World Rank #1,484,784