Viorel Achim
History, Philosophy, Theology / History
AD Scientific Index ID: 5108071
Institutul de Istorie Nicolae Iorga, Academia Română
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in History
Johannes Krause
Johannes Krause
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History
World Rank #6,521
Stringer C
Stringer C
Natural History Museum, London
World Rank #6,917
José Antonio López Sáez
José Antonio López Sáez
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
World Rank #8,641
Martin John Whitehouse
Martin John Whitehouse
Swedish Museum of Natural History
World Rank #9,904
Miral Dizdaroglu
Miral Dizdaroglu
National Institute of Standards and Technology
World Rank #10,963
Mark Norell
Mark Norell
American Museum of Natural History
World Rank #11,743
Francesco D Errico
Francesco D Errico
Université de Bordeaux
World Rank #12,017
Eudald Carbonell
Eudald Carbonell
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
World Rank #14,866
Michael Gurven
Michael Gurven
University of California Santa Barbara
World Rank #15,184
David Glass
David Glass
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc
World Rank #15,204
Romania: Top 10 Scientists in History
Nicolae V. Dură
Nicolae V. Dură
University Ovidius
World Rank #550,683
Ioan Piso
Ioan Piso
University Babes Bolyai
World Rank #595,728
Ioan-Aurel Pop
Ioan-Aurel Pop
University Babes Bolyai
World Rank #684,605
Viorel Achim
Viorel Achim
Nicolae Iorga Institute of History, Romanian Academy
World Rank #782,911
Victor Neumann
Victor Neumann
West University of Timisoara
World Rank #787,977
Serban Dragosloveanu
Serban Dragosloveanu
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
World Rank #791,108
Rares Mircea Birlutiu
Rares Mircea Birlutiu
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
World Rank #823,811
Ioan Bolovan
Ioan Bolovan
University Babes Bolyai
World Rank #845,717
Zoe Petre
Zoe Petre
University of Bucharest
World Rank #850,565
Stefan Cristea
Stefan Cristea
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
World Rank #893,356
Nicolae Iorga Institute of History, Romanian Academy: Top 10 Scientists in History
Viorel Achim
Viorel Achim
World Rank #782,911
Constanta Vintila|Constanta Vintila-Ghitulescu, Constanta Ghitulescu
Constanta Vintila|Constanta Vintila-Ghitulescu, Constanta Ghitulescu
World Rank #1,077,243
ClaudiaFlorentina Dobre
ClaudiaFlorentina Dobre
World Rank #1,445,914
Mária Pakucs
Mária Pakucs
World Rank #1,600,776
Romania: Top 10 Scientists in History, Philosophy, Theology
Nicolae V. Dură
Nicolae V. Dură
University Ovidius
World Rank #550,683
Ioan Piso
Ioan Piso
University Babes Bolyai
World Rank #595,728
Mihaela Frunza
Mihaela Frunza
University Babes Bolyai
World Rank #635,754
Ioan-Aurel Pop
Ioan-Aurel Pop
University Babes Bolyai
World Rank #684,605
Viorel Achim
Viorel Achim
Nicolae Iorga Institute of History, Romanian Academy
World Rank #782,911
Victor Neumann
Victor Neumann
West University of Timisoara
World Rank #787,977
Serban Dragosloveanu
Serban Dragosloveanu
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
World Rank #791,108
Rares Mircea Birlutiu
Rares Mircea Birlutiu
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
World Rank #823,811
Cristian Ciocan
Cristian Ciocan
University of Bucharest
World Rank #824,290
Ioan Bolovan
Ioan Bolovan
University Babes Bolyai
World Rank #845,717
Nicolae Iorga Institute of History, Romanian Academy: Top 10 Scientists
Viorel Achim
Viorel Achim
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #782,911
Constanta Vintila|Constanta Vintila-Ghitulescu, Constanta Ghitulescu
Constanta Vintila|Constanta Vintila-Ghitulescu, Constanta Ghitulescu
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #1,077,243
ClaudiaFlorentina Dobre
ClaudiaFlorentina Dobre
World Rank #1,445,914
Mária Pakucs
Mária Pakucs
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #1,600,776