Warwick Duncan
Medical and Health Sciences / Dentistry
AD Scientific Index ID: 114448
Whare Wānanga o Otāgo
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in Dentistry
Hom Lay Wang
Hom Lay Wang
University of Michigan
World Rank #2,425
Van Meerbeek Bart
Van Meerbeek Bart
Catholic University of Leuven
World Rank #2,778
Qian Wang
Qian Wang
Case Western Reserve University
World Rank #2,896
Buser Daniel
Buser Daniel
Universität Bern
World Rank #3,220
Gunnar E Carlsson
Gunnar E Carlsson
University of Gothenburg
World Rank #4,314
José F Siqueira Jr
José F Siqueira Jr
Universidade Estácio de Sá
World Rank #4,414
Steven Offenbacher
Steven Offenbacher
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
World Rank #4,455
Marco Ferrari
Marco Ferrari
Università degli Studi di Siena
World Rank #4,581
Helen Victoria Worthington
Helen Victoria Worthington
University of Manchester
World Rank #4,680
Stefan Priebe
Stefan Priebe
Queen Mary University of London
World Rank #5,176
New Zealand: Top 10 Scientists in Dentistry
W Murray Thomson
W Murray Thomson
University of Otago
World Rank #10,280
Paul Cooper
Paul Cooper
University of Otago
World Rank #33,017
Richard David Cannon
Richard David Cannon
University of Otago
World Rank #71,696
Mauro Farella
Mauro Farella
University of Otago
World Rank #74,744
Jonathan Broadbent
Jonathan Broadbent
University of Otago
World Rank #90,707
Paul Brunton
Paul Brunton
University of Otago
World Rank #107,077
ML Mei
ML Mei
University of Otago
World Rank #110,557
Momen A Atieh
Momen A Atieh
University of Otago
World Rank #174,546
Warwick Duncan
Warwick Duncan
University of Otago
World Rank #185,370
Manikandan Ekambaram
Manikandan Ekambaram
University of Otago
World Rank #278,660
University of Otago: Top 10 Scientists in Dentistry
David Fergusson
David Fergusson
World Rank #1,483
Robert Poulin
Robert Poulin
World Rank #5,990
Peter Herbison
Peter Herbison
World Rank #6,489
W Murray Thomson
W Murray Thomson
World Rank #10,280
John A Crump
John A Crump
World Rank #12,440
Kate M Scott
Kate M Scott
World Rank #15,077
Dirk De Ridder
Dirk De Ridder
World Rank #17,291
Robin aj smith
Robin aj smith
World Rank #18,101
Mark Weatherall
Mark Weatherall
World Rank #18,956
Gerald W Tannock
Gerald W Tannock
World Rank #19,915
New Zealand: Top 10 Scientists in Medical and Health Sciences
Thomas Lumley
Thomas Lumley
University of Auckland
World Rank #4,567
W Murray Thomson
W Murray Thomson
University of Otago
World Rank #10,280
John A Windsor
John A Windsor
University of Auckland
General Surgery
World Rank #11,990
John A Crump
John A Crump
University of Otago
Infectious Diseases
World Rank #12,440
Kate M Scott
Kate M Scott
University of Otago
Health Sciences
World Rank #15,077
Keith J Petrie
Keith J Petrie
University of Auckland
Health Sciences
World Rank #16,047
Dirk De Ridder
Dirk De Ridder
University of Otago
World Rank #17,291
Robin aj smith
Robin aj smith
University of Otago
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
World Rank #18,101
Gerald W Tannock
Gerald W Tannock
University of Otago
World Rank #19,915
Cliona Ni Mhurchu
Cliona Ni Mhurchu
University of Auckland
Nutrition and Dietetics
World Rank #21,297
University of Otago: Top 10 Scientists
David Fergusson
David Fergusson
Social Sciences
World Rank #1,483
Robert Poulin
Robert Poulin
Natural Sciences
Biological Science
World Rank #5,990
Peter Herbison
Peter Herbison
World Rank #6,489
W Murray Thomson
W Murray Thomson
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #10,280
John A Crump
John A Crump
Medical and Health Sciences
Infectious Diseases
World Rank #12,440
Kate M Scott
Kate M Scott
Medical and Health Sciences
Health Sciences
World Rank #15,077
Dirk De Ridder
Dirk De Ridder
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #17,291
Robin aj smith
Robin aj smith
Medical and Health Sciences
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
World Rank #18,101
Mark Weatherall
Mark Weatherall
Natural Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
World Rank #18,956
Gerald W Tannock
Gerald W Tannock
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #19,915