AD Scientific Index

More than a ranking

Strix Plc: Ellan Vannin as Ard-rankynyn er Bun Strateeshyn Ard-Scoillaryn

Strix Plc: Ellan Vannin as Ard-rankynyn er Bun Strateeshyn Ard-Scoillaryn

Ta Strix Plc, soit er Ellan Vannin, cosney ard-ghoo ayns y theihll as y Voir rere AdScientificIndex. T’eh soiaghey magh son rankyn H-index as soylagh as cre ta’n chohionnal shoh cur da’n ard-ghoo oc er bun eiyrtyssyn scoillaryn.

Rankynyn Ard-ynnydagh as Theihllagh

  • Ayns y Theihll: Magh ass 1,994 co-choyrlee, ta Strix Plc soit ayns 1,599oo ynnyd.
  • ‘Sy Voir: Magh ass 660 co-choyrlee ‘sy Voir, ta’n chohionnal soit ayns 551oo ynnyd.
  • Ellan Vannin: Marish y co-choyrlee bun-chooinaght er yn ellan, t’eh dy kinjagh soit ayns 1oo ynnyd er Ellan Vannin.

Staitistics Shooilley er H-Index

  • H-Index Total: Er y theihll, ta Strix Plc soit ayns 1,599oo ynnyd as ‘sy Voir ayns 551oo ynnyd.
  • H-Index (Last 6 Years): Ta’n cho-hionnal cosney 1,579oo ynnyd y theihll, as ayns 549oo ynnyd ‘sy Voir.
  • i10 Index Total: Dy kinjagh, ta ny rankyn soit ayns 1,609oo ynnyd y theihll, as ‘sy Voir ayns 555oo ynnyd.

Ynsaghderyn Er-lheh Ec Strix Plc

AdScientificIndex ta soilshaghey ard-rankyn ard-sheel er shennaghys ynsaghderyn oc:

  1. Wendy Erisman
    • Rank Theihll: 1,026,414
    • Rank UCIM: 2
    • Rangaghyn: College access & underserved students.
    • H-Index Total: 9, lesh 8 ayns ny shey bleeantyn s’jerree (Ratio: 0.889).
  2. Miguel Repas-Goncalves
    • Rank Theihll: 1,643,234
    • Rank UCIM: 4
    • Rangaghyn: Wind and wildlife interactions.
    • H-Index Total: 4, lesh 4 ayns ny shey bleeantyn s’jerree (Ratio: 1.000).

Bree Scoillaryn

Ta Strix Plc soiaghey magh myr co-choyrlee eddyr-ashoonagh er Ellan Vannin, cosney ard-rankyn er y Voir as y theihll rere H-index metrics. Ta’n bree tarmaynagh currit da’n ard-ghoo oc, as ynsaghderyn er-lheh currit dy lhean da’n voayl hene.

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