University, Subject, Country, Region, World

United States University / Institution Rankings 2024

"AD Scientific Index" is the only university/institution ranking system that analyzes the distribution of scientists in an institution according to the  top % 10, %20, %40, %60, % 80 percentiles and total scientists. In addition to the country, continent and world ranking of all institutions, the "Type of Institution" section provides the ranking of universities separately among All Universities, Private Universities and Public Universities is given separately. You can also find the rankings of institutions, companies and hospitals. "AD Scientific Index" is the only source where you can evaluate all these institutions according to Total H Index, Last 6 Years H Index, Total i10 Index, Last 6 Years i10 Index, Total Citations and Last 6 Years Citations and analyse the latest developments of the institution.   Best universities in AfricaAsiaEuropeLatin AmericaNorth AmericaOceania 2024 The "AD Scientific Index" University Ranking will not only show the areas in which a university is best or focused, but also reflect the results of the institutions' scientist recruitment policies. This feature reveals the ability of institutions to attract successful scientists and the ability of institutions to promote advances and retain scientists. See also: University Subject Rankings 

AD Scientific Index - World University/Institution Rankings 2024 Total Number of Scientists in University/Institution
Country Ranking Region Ranking World Ranking University / Institution Country Founded Source Best Scientist in University/Institution
World Rank / Name
Total Institutions in Country Total Scientists in Index In top %10 In top %20 In top %30 In top %40 In top %50 In top %60 In top %70 In top %80 In top %90 Total Scientists in Index
1 1 1
Harvard University
United States 1636 Private 2
Ronald C Kessler

3,134 7,884 1,831 2,926 4,102 5,294 6,310 7,111 7,543 7,706 7,854 7,884
2 2 2
Stanford University
United States 1885 Private 33
Yi Cui
3,134 5,348 1,187 1,774 2,490 3,287 3,967 4,545 4,934 5,077 5,239 5,348
3 3 3
University of Michigan
United States 1817 Public 278
Daniel Adam Dobos|Daniel Adam Dobos, D Dobos, D A Dobos

3,134 3,175 1,153 1,834 2,223 2,408 2,511 2,590 2,722 2,850 3,011 3,175
4 4 6
University of California Los Angeles
United States 1919 Public 294
Michail Bachtis

3,134 3,843 881 1,352 1,751 2,160 2,629 3,126 3,504 3,628 3,737 3,843
5 5 8
Columbia University New York
United States 1754 Private 110
Joseph E Stiglitz
3,134 3,206 837 1,259 1,637 1,948 2,189 2,450 2,680 2,859 3,049 3,206
6 6 9
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
United States 1851 Public 493
Peter Reich
3,134 3,594 779 1,311 1,707 2,148 2,638 3,109 3,380 3,471 3,562 3,594
7 7 10
University of California San Diego
United States 1960 Public 26
Michael Karin
3,134 3,001 776 1,185 1,576 1,938 2,269 2,529 2,698 2,815 2,922 3,001
8 8 11
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
United States 1861 Private 6
Robert Langer
3,134 4,267 761 1,260 1,866 2,582 3,251 3,780 4,121 4,226 4,258 4,267
9 9 12
University of California Berkeley
United States 1868 Public 135
Heather Gray

3,134 3,014 751 1,130 1,518 1,922 2,322 2,678 2,910 2,979 3,005 3,014
10 11 14
University of Pennsylvania
United States 1740 Private 931
Ruben Gur
3,134 2,837 729 1,122 1,489 1,844 2,149 2,412 2,548 2,662 2,753 2,837


11 12 15
University of California Davis
United States 1905 Public 1,123
Jay Belsky
3,134 2,723 706 1,064 1,386 1,689 1,965 2,232 2,421 2,540 2,650 2,723
12 13 16
Duke University
United States 1838 Private 39
Lei Layla Li

3,134 2,261 689 992 1,258 1,513 1,718 1,889 2,037 2,131 2,196 2,261
13 15 18
University of Wisconsin Madison
United States 1848 Public 18
Fuquan Wang

3,134 2,301 674 1,050 1,390 1,623 1,820 1,985 2,072 2,132 2,213 2,301
14 16 20
University of Florida
United States 1853 Public 313
Dimitri Bourilkov

3,134 2,733 654 1,150 1,539 1,869 2,149 2,311 2,385 2,474 2,621 2,733
15 17 22
Yale University
United States 1701 Private 29
Richard A Flavell
3,134 2,542 651 1,015 1,373 1,738 2,068 2,312 2,434 2,475 2,519 2,542
16 18 24
Pennsylvania State University
United States 1855 Public 1,114
Bruce E Logan
3,134 2,671 597 1,039 1,425 1,769 2,050 2,216 2,343 2,439 2,575 2,671
17 20 28
University of Pittsburgh
United States 1787 Public 570
Riccardo Maria Bianchi

3,134 2,171 553 926 1,271 1,583 1,843 2,030 2,136 2,160 2,167 2,171
18 21 29
Texas A&M University
United States 1876 Public 690
Othmane Bouhali

3,134 2,411 549 1,037 1,444 1,765 2,018 2,184 2,237 2,292 2,342 2,411
19 22 30
Johns Hopkins University
United States 1876 Private 20
Bert Vogelstein
3,134 2,010 548 841 1,134 1,364 1,589 1,753 1,845 1,913 1,968 2,010
20 23 31
University of Southern California
United States 1880 Private 380
Paul Thompson
3,134 2,258 545 913 1,171 1,439 1,684 1,880 2,002 2,056 2,152 2,258
21 24 32
University of Texas Austin
United States 1883 Public 372
Nicholas A Peppas
3,134 2,626 540 931 1,272 1,598 1,901 2,122 2,279 2,392 2,521 2,626
22 25 35
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
United States 1789 Public 617
Barry Popkin

3,134 2,008 532 860 1,130 1,371 1,586 1,732 1,843 1,900 1,953 2,008
23 26 37
University of Maryland
United States 1856 Public 1,060
Liangbing Hu
3,134 1,850 524 862 1,104 1,329 1,564 1,722 1,813 1,836 1,845 1,850
24 27 39
New York University
United States 1831 Private 905
Dan Littman
3,134 2,230 517 813 1,067 1,339 1,601 1,808 1,952 2,034 2,117 2,230
25 28 40
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
United States 1867 Public 97
Mark Neubauer

3,134 2,164 502 866 1,170 1,465 1,749 1,964 2,071 2,124 2,151 2,164