Scientist and University Rankings 2024

Asia Public Universities Rankings 2024 (Sort by : Last 6 Years i10 Index)

"AD Scientific Index" is the only university/institution ranking system that analyzes the distribution of scientists in an institution according to the  top % 10, %20, %40, %60, % 80 percentiles and total scientists. In addition to the country, continent and world ranking of all institutions (24,287), the "Type of Institution" section provides the ranking of universities separately among All Universities (10,017), Private Universities (5,042) and Public Universities (4,975) is given separately. You can also find the rankings of institutions (1,054), companies (454) and hospitals (138)."AD Scientific Index" is the only source where you can evaluate all these institutions according to Total H Index, Last 6 Years H Index, Total i10 Index, Last 6 Years i10 Index, Total Citations and Last 6 Years Citations and analyse the latest developments of the institution.   Best universities in AfricaAsiaEuropeLatin AmericaNorth AmericaOceania 2024 The "AD Scientific Index" University Ranking will not only show the areas in which a university is best or focused, but also reflect the results of the institutions' scientist recruitment policies. This feature reveals the ability of institutions to attract successful scientists and the ability of institutions to promote advances and retain scientists. See also: University Subject Rankings You can edit your university page yourself by registering.

AD Scientific Index - World University/Institution Rankings 2024 Total Number of Scientists in University/Institution
Country Ranking Region Ranking World Ranking University / Institution Country Founded Source Best Scientist in University/Institution
World Rank / Name
Total Institutions
in Country
Total Scientists
in Index
In top %10 In top %20 In top %30 In top %40 In top %50 In top %60 In top %70 In top %80 In top %90 Total Scientists
in Index
1 1 23
National University of Singapore
SingaporeSingapore 1905 Public 281
Tien Yin Wong

61 2,227 633 1,097 1,480 1,742 1,898 1,955 2,013 2,087 2,168 2,227
1 2 25
Tsinghua University
ChinaChina 1911 Public 17
Xiaofeng Wang

1,133 2,734 493 813 1,053 1,362 1,754 2,071 2,336 2,501 2,635 2,734
1 3 30
Seoul National University
South KoreaSouth Korea 1946 Public 4
SB Kim

331 1,544 482 779 1,034 1,200 1,309 1,389 1,496 1,534 1,542 1,544
2 4 44
Nanyang Technological University
SingaporeSingapore 1981 Public 280
Xiong Wen David Lou
61 2,352 442 843 1,182 1,404 1,515 1,603 1,770 1,990 2,192 2,352
1 5 49
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong KongHong Kong 1963 Public 1,263
Qian Wang
31 1,721 329 522 670 825 996 1,175 1,351 1,499 1,623 1,721
2 6 51
University of Hong Kong
Hong KongHong Kong 1911 Public 1,319
Xiang Zhang
31 1,868 389 630 792 938 1,065 1,219 1,445 1,614 1,748 1,868
2 7 54
Zhejiang University
ChinaChina 1897 Public 4,587
Lanjuan Li
1,133 1,500 350 689 959 1,110 1,221 1,344 1,439 1,469 1,487 1,500
3 8 74
Peking University
ChinaChina 1898 Public 996
Yanfeng Zhang

1,133 1,914 327 575 802 952 1,101 1,213 1,375 1,542 1,753 1,914
3 9 79
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong KongHong Kong 1937 Public 1,952
Lei Zhang
31 934 255 430 528 621 684 757 826 875 904 934
4 10 82
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
ChinaChina 1896 Public 27
Haijun Yang

1,133 2,009 271 570 768 940 1,150 1,304 1,476 1,649 1,842 2,009


4 11 84
City University of Hong Kong
Hong KongHong Kong 1986 Public 720
Hua Zhang (张华)
31 1,438 235 403 536 691 852 989 1,136 1,264 1,358 1,438
5 12 89
Huazhong University of Science & Technology
ChinaChina 1953 Public 3,201
Yunhui Huang
1,133 1,284 228 428 565 630 705 792 950 1,068 1,188 1,284
6 13 97
University of Science & Technology of China
ChinaChina 1958 Public 858
Shu Hong Yu
1,133 1,289 266 500 684 833 957 1,058 1,142 1,184 1,247 1,289
1 14 111
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
IranIran 1934 Public 1,611
Reza Malekzadeh

435 1,962 181 426 721 997 1,199 1,379 1,562 1,739 1,865 1,962
1 15 112
King Saud University
Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia 1957 Public 3,019
Mika Sillanpää
98 1,322 175 411 640 794 870 924 1,020 1,110 1,222 1,322
2 16 114
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology
Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia 2009 Public 831
Carlos M Duarte
98 1,205 180 341 485 617 739 841 960 1,062 1,136 1,205
1 17 117
Kyoto University
JapanJapan 1897 Public 2,195
Wei Chen

786 1,641 294 520 721 902 1,066 1,207 1,341 1,453 1,563 1,641
7 18 124
Nanjing University
ChinaChina 1902 Public 37
Jun-Ming Liu

1,133 896 207 347 446 525 617 714 790 841 874 896
1 19 127
Universiti Putra Malaysia
MalaysiaMalaysia 1973 Public 4,277
SM Sapuan
152 1,219 184 458 676 797 870 971 1,035 1,103 1,163 1,219
8 20 129
Harbin Institute of Technology
ChinaChina 1920 Public 2,443
Gao Huijun
1,133 1,005 162 311 433 563 691 816 900 949 985 1,005
5 21 130
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Hong KongHong Kong 1991 Public 608
Ben Zhong Tang
31 1,407 222 357 459 556 673 821 1,028 1,177 1,305 1,407
2 22 138
Tohoku University
JapanJapan 1907 Public 592
Masayuki Yamamoto
786 1,296 234 433 583 713 837 949 1,054 1,161 1,235 1,296
1 23 139
National Taiwan University
TaiwanTaiwan 1945 Public 269
Paganis Efstathios|Stathes Paganis, E. Paganis, Efstathios Paganis

183 1,238 215 436 612 759 849 871 894 1,007 1,122 1,238
1 24 143
Tel Aviv University
IsraelIsrael 1956 Public 2,299
Ruth Nussinov
81 1,099 330 581 732 856 929 981 1,018 1,048 1,071 1,099
2 25 144
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology KAIST
South KoreaSouth Korea 1971 Public 1,744
Sang Yup Lee
331 2,371 225 414 569 736 920 1,181 1,602 1,935 2,191 2,371