Scientist and University Rankings 2024

BRICS University / Institution Rankings 2024 (Sort by : Total i10 Index)

"AD Scientific Index" is the only university/institution ranking system that analyzes the distribution of scientists in an institution according to the  top % 10, %20, %40, %60, % 80 percentiles and total scientists. In addition to the country, continent and world ranking of all institutions (24,320), the "Type of Institution" section provides the ranking of universities separately among All Universities (), Private Universities () and Public Universities () is given separately. You can also find the rankings of institutions (), companies () and hospitals ()."AD Scientific Index" is the only source where you can evaluate all these institutions according to Total H Index, Last 6 Years H Index, Total i10 Index, Last 6 Years i10 Index, Total Citations and Last 6 Years Citations and analyse the latest developments of the institution.   Best universities in AfricaAsiaEuropeLatin AmericaNorth AmericaOceania 2024 The "AD Scientific Index" University Ranking will not only show the areas in which a university is best or focused, but also reflect the results of the institutions' scientist recruitment policies. This feature reveals the ability of institutions to attract successful scientists and the ability of institutions to promote advances and retain scientists. See also: University Subject Rankings You can edit your university page yourself by registering.

Total 333,057 scientist, 5 country, 6,263 All type institutions
AD Scientific Index - World University/Institution Rankings 2024 Total Number of Scientists in University/Institution
BRICS Ranking Country Ranking Region Ranking World Ranking University / Institution Country Founded Source Best Scientist in University/Institution
World Rank / Name
Total Institutions
in Country
Total Scientists
in Index
In top %10 In top %20 In top %30 In top %40 In top %50 In top %60 In top %70 In top %80 In top %90 Total Scientists
in Index
1 1 1 5
Universidade de São Paulo USP
Brazil 1934 Public 379
Marco Leite

578 6,146 1,343 2,979 4,460 5,602 6,046 6,131 6,142 6,146 6,146 6,146
2 1 3 48
Tsinghua University
China 1911 Public 22
Xiaofeng Wang

1,133 2,730 484 807 1,046 1,354 1,757 2,186 2,417 2,730 2,730 2,730
3 2 2 115
Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP
Brazil 1962 Public 750
Jose Augusto Chinellato

578 2,224 357 794 1,196 1,517 1,652 1,666 1,700 2,224 2,224 2,224
4 2 9 116
Zhejiang University
China 1897 Public 4,692
Lanjuan Li
1,133 1,500 350 688 952 1,109 1,227 1,392 1,479 1,500 1,500 1,500
5 3 10 122
Peking University
China 1898 Public 1,008
Yanfeng Zhang

1,133 1,913 321 567 795 954 1,105 1,265 1,467 1,913 1,913 1,913
6 4 14 138
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
China 1896 Public 26
Haijun Yang

1,133 2,007 269 564 764 935 1,159 1,354 1,527 2,007 2,007 2,007
7 3 3 141
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
Brazil 1976 Public 313
Sandra Dos Santos Padula

578 1,953 314 819 1,321 1,736 1,909 1,942 1,950 1,953 1,953 1,953
8 5 20 169
Huazhong University of Science & Technology
China 1953 Public 3,148
Yunhui Huang
1,133 1,282 228 422 563 629 703 833 958 1,282 1,282 1,282
9 4 5 179
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS
Brazil 1934 Public 409
César A. Bernardes

578 1,496 246 566 851 1,067 1,164 1,176 1,193 1,496 1,496 1,496
10 6 24 187
University of Science & Technology of China
China 1958 Public 837
Shu Hong Yu
1,133 1,287 265 498 679 832 966 1,111 1,185 1,287 1,287 1,287


11 7 29 224
Harbin Institute of Technology
China 1920 Public 2,412
Gao Huijun
1,133 1,005 158 314 430 563 704 861 930 1,005 1,005 1,005
12 1 1 227
University of Cape Town
South Africa 1874 Public 279
Sahal Yacoob

74 1,281 212 378 544 702 882 1,071 1,152 1,281 1,281 1,281
13 8 30 228
Nanjing University
China 1902 Public 37
Jun-Ming Liu

1,133 896 203 342 445 526 627 751 828 896 896 896
14 9 31 229
Fudan University
China 1905 Public 452
Jiachang Li

1,133 1,436 200 367 515 673 822 965 1,114 1,436 1,436 1,436
15 5 6 250
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais UFMG
Brazil 1927 Public 2,972
Deborah Carvalho Malta

578 1,918 213 526 815 999 1,066 1,134 1,229 1,918 1,918 1,918
16 6 7 251
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Brazil 1920 Public 1,118
Murilo Santana Rangel

578 1,069 195 473 757 975 1,049 1,061 1,066 1,069 1,069 1,069
17 10 38 275
Wuhan University
China 1893 Public 861
Hui Wang

1,133 872 151 304 426 534 658 792 854 872 872 872
18 11 42 316
University of Electronic Science & Technology of China
China 1956 Public 12,272
Zhiming Wang (王志明)
1,133 833 131 246 339 381 457 575 625 833 833 833
19 12 44 322
Xi'An Jiaotong University
China 1896 Public 1,108
Wei Wang
1,133 979 153 333 472 532 585 642 710 979 979 979
20 13 45 331
Central South University
China 2000 Public 6,935
Zhu Yirong

1,133 525 127 223 276 344 403 463 490 525 525 525
21 14 47 338
Tianjin University
China 1895 Public 4,257
Zhongyi Jiang
1,133 1,035 156 306 404 508 634 746 851 1,035 1,035 1,035
22 15 48 343
South China University of Technology
China 1952 Public 4,259
Fei Huang
1,133 692 132 235 308 392 451 511 581 692 692 692
23 16 49 344
Southeast University
China 1902 Private 1,753
Jinde Cao
1,133 852 117 248 374 483 615 723 783 852 852 852
24 17 51 355
Tongji University
China 1907 Public 4,728
Chen ling
1,133 1,001 120 222 320 413 512 599 695 1,001 1,001 1,001
25 7 9 361
Universidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP
Brazil 1933 Public 4,618
Sergio Tufik
578 1,060 136 342 583 753 820 841 876 1,060 1,060 1,060
26 18 56 369
Sun Yat Sen University
China 1924 Public 2,637
Qiang Zhang (张强)
1,133 1,387 173 409 586 738 856 1,004 1,136 1,387 1,387 1,387
27 19 58 384
Hunan University
China 1926 Public 945
Weihong Tan 谭蔚泓
1,133 561 112 176 238 285 345 415 465 561 561 561
28 20 59 386
Beijing Normal University
China 1902 Public 3,543
Wang Jinsheng(王金生)
1,133 565 94 181 246 317 394 472 529 565 565 565
29 8 10 390
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Brazil 1900 Institution 8,251
Ricardo Gazzinelli
578 835 128 282 400 519 603 638 657 835 835 835
30 2 2 391
Stellenbosch University
South Africa 1918 Public 1,512
David M. Richardson
74 1,203 122 260 397 531 704 879 999 1,203 1,203 1,203

A New and Different Feature!!!! University Subject Rankings in 12 subjects:

Ranking and analysis of universities by subject in 12 fields such as health, engineering, natural sciences, education, business, economics, social sciences, etc.
31 21 60 396
Shenzhen University
China 1983 Public 1,183
Han Zhang
1,133 748 116 226 315 408 520 582 644 748 748 748
32 1 62 402
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
India 1958 Public 468
Piyali Banerjee

3,969 1,528 102 230 359 497 604 701 804 1,528 1,528 1,528
33 9 11 409
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina UFSC
Brazil 1960 Public 8,934
Joao Batista Calixto
578 1,231 127 302 531 680 746 770 832 1,231 1,231 1,231
34 22 63 413
Dalian University of Technology
China 1949 Public 4,400
Xie Quan
1,133 634 108 200 276 346 409 483 545 634 634 634
35 23 64 414
Sichuan University
China 1896 Public 1,604
Zeshui Xu 徐泽水
1,133 556 100 208 289 360 436 495 529 556 556 556
36 2 68 427
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
India 1909 Public 14,903
Dipankar Das Sarma Dd Sarma
3,969 1,417 119 221 310 385 457 516 587 1,417 1,417 1,417
37 3 3 428
University of the Witwatersrand
South Africa 1922 Public 1,504
Bruce Mellado

74 1,223 102 240 353 460 573 724 874 1,223 1,223 1,223
38 10 12 429
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria UFSM
Brazil 1960 Public 17,888
Guilherme Luiz Dotto
578 316 69 156 228 285 309 314 316 316 316 316
39 24 69 430
Beijing Institute of Technology
China 1940 Public 1,801
Muhammad Shahbaz
1,133 927 107 226 334 445 554 660 742 927 927 927
40 3 71 436
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
India 1961 Public 7,455
Bhim Singh
3,969 1,583 91 221 310 395 446 504 589 1,583 1,583 1,583
41 25 72 447
Beihang University
China 1952 Public 11,801
Li-Dong Zhao
1,133 1,105 95 232 338 430 497 641 783 1,105 1,105 1,105
42 26 73 449
Chongqing University
China 1929 Public 8,648
Xiaosong Hu (胡晓松)
1,133 580 85 174 242 314 399 456 496 580 580 580
43 11 13 457
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Brazil 1954 Public 5,547
Hans J Herrmann
578 519 88 206 336 454 503 508 512 519 519 519
44 27 76 461
Soochow University
China 1900 Private 4,874
Ji Huan He
1,133 423 106 198 252 285 317 351 385 423 423 423
45 28 78 463
Northwestern Polytechnical University
China 1938 Public 2,455
Xuelong Li
1,133 726 91 200 298 419 529 643 681 726 726 726
46 29 80 467
Nankai University
China 1919 Public 49
Jun Chen
1,133 509 95 150 204 243 305 358 423 509 509 509
47 12 14 470
Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Brazil 1968 Public 2,047
Franciole Marinho

578 1,454 95 257 410 561 710 804 887 1,454 1,454 1,454
48 30 82 475
Southern University of Science & Technology
China 2009 Public 3,532
Xin Yao
1,133 485 95 183 260 347 421 463 482 485 485 485
49 1 194 486
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russia 1755 Public 385
Lev Dudko

494 1,198 74 189 345 483 670 898 1,090 1,198 1,198 1,198
50 31 84 488
Shandong University
China 1901 Public 1,132
Qiang Zhang
1,133 633 101 215 290 340 399 462 512 633 633 633