Congresses Name Location Start Date End Date Country City
EURAXESS -Academic Teaching Methods online 20/06/2024 20/06/2024 Germany Ulm
IAEA CRP (Analysis of Severe Accidents Phenomena and Development of Recommendations for Simulation of the Studied Phenomena for LWR, uncertainty analysis of PWR simulation models ) Vienna , IAEA 04/12/2023 08/12/2023 Austria Vienna
IAEA CRP (Analysis of Severe Accidents Phenomena and Development of Recommendations for Simulation of the Studied Phenomena for LWR, uncertainty analysis of PWR simulation models ) Vienna , IAEA 04/12/2023 08/12/2023 Austria Vienna
IAEA meeting SV-PAK2007-2001179, lecturer as IEAE expert Kiev 06/10/2021 14/10/2024 Ukraine Kiev
Joint ICTP-IAEA 2nd Course on Scientific Novelties in the Phenomenology of Severe Accidents in Water Cooled Reactors (Trieste - Italy) Italy 24/06/2019 29/06/2019 Italy Trieste
Joint ICTP-IAEA workshop on technology of Innovative High Temperature Nuclear Energy Systems (Trieste - Italy) (Trieste - Italy) 14/10/2019 19/10/2019 Italy Triste
2021 Central Europe Equipment Reliability Meeting as Energoatom expert Balatonfured, Hungry. 02/11/2021 04/11/2021 Hungary Balatonfured